Thursday, August 16, 2012

UK must honor diplomatic protection in the case of #Assange. #wikileaks #ecuador

MT @Channel4News: #Ecuador grants Julian #Assange's request for asylum, citing 'genuine' fears over his safety and security. #wikileaks
RT @proclus The US has done far worse than violate diplomatic protection. UK will take this as an excuse? I don't think the American peo ...
RT @proclus It appears that an overwhelming majority of WaPo readers are in favor of asylum for #Assange :-).
The US has done far worse than violate diplomatic protection. UK will take this as an excuse? I don't think the American people favor it.
RT @proclus The UK is leading the world in to deepening lawlessness. #wikileaks #assange #london #embassy #ecuador
RT @proclus It was correctly noted on NPR this morning that #Assange would enjoy diplomatic protection, if he left the #embassy. #wikile ...

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