Monday, November 25, 2019

More upshot from Pittsburgh trip - #maga #trump2020 #prolife #россия #2a #russia #nra #fitness #abortion #kag #guns #trump #sopa #pipa #opblackout #music #maga2020 #kag2020 #iran #biking #сша #крым #technology #syria #running #google #fsf #eff #drums #downloads #dmca #censorship #спецназ #москва #projectveritas #gunrights #учен #спецна #сирия #минобороны #мак #война #арми2019 #workout #proli #nutrition #longevity #aging #боеваяподготовка #maryland #love #health #fitne #firearms #baltimore #ягодка #ягода #яг #экспорт #черешня #цветочки #фрукты #фоторепорта #финляндия #учения #унк #украина #ук #ту22м3 #стрижи #стри #са #росс #оснгром #миноборон #боеваяпо #victory #ussr #us #unborn #uk #turkey #tuesdaythoughts #travel #training #tgdn #tcot #surveillance #spetsnaz #sovietunion #snowden #sec

More light edits. If you want more editing, steal my ideas and do your own edits. ;-) 

Look for the photos in fb, or in a separate post. Here is an Amazon photo album link. You can also find photos of the Vaxxed bus. I went to the premier in Pittsburgh. There are also helpful transit photos. The metro system in Pittsburg is marvellous!

Speaking of big rivers,seeing the Susquehanna from the train was just breathtaking...
In fact, the whole train ride across Pennsylvania was just beautiful. Do this ride.

If you have a new cell phone it probably has a 5G antenna...
It is likely that there are cell phones with undocumented 5G antennas...
In other words, your cell phone could have a 5G antenna that you don't know about...
While in Pittsburgh I kept wondering if I was getting hit with 5G, and then....
Then I find out that Pittsburgh is 5G pilot city probably already with antennas.
Some believe that the 5G system is a directed energy weapon...
True or not, such things are certainly coming in the future. Get ready for it...
In honor of the occasion, I watched Winter Soldier. It is worth a review.
Strange itching, stinging, or burning sensations...
Headache, flushed skin, feelings of stress, fatigue and confusion...
Maybe hair loss, and sunburn-like symptoms.
Oh, insomnia and irritability of course. ;-)
In this scenario, some are 5G sensitive. If you are having these symptoms...
Try moving out of the city to get away from the strong signals. That can be your test

Speaking of bugout, Pittsburgh was such an interesting study...
If you are worried about 5G, avoid the river paths, where you are a sitting duck.
I had better luck with the west route on 60 and Stueben Pike....
As a bonus, work your legs on the excellent hills...
If I lived in Pittsburgh, I'd ride up Stueben on a weekly basis. Do this!
I know Stueben is hard. Keep working it until you can go all the way over.
Anyone running with location services on is nuts! Turn it off now. - bonus insight.

Having ridden my bike and walked on many of these bridges I can attest to the beauty.
The solid industrial age style of some of these bridges was so impressive.
These classic bridges, built before unnecessary legal processes & busybody lawyers...
Gladhack legalists hampered the good hard work of so many good people,but not in Pitt
The foot and bicycle lanes were added as an afterthought in some cases...
I was able to cross the city and do all my errands without a car, on foot and bicycle
No sanctimony or nanny structures mar the view on Pittsburgh bridges. Just fresh air.
I do have one suggestion tho. IMHO, the unprotected stairway on West End Bridge...
I love this bridge so much & made repeated use of it. A landing area at the bottom...
of the ramp, with the stairway turned 90 degrees would be a big improvement IMHO.;-)
Just west from this bridge is Stueben Street....
If you are in Pittsburgh, go ride your bike on Stueben Street now!
Just be careful on the south side of the bridge. Take the ramp slowly. ;-)

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GMU/S d+@ s: a+ C++++ UBULI++++$ P+ L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O
M++@ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-(--)@ b !DI D- G e++++
h--- r+++ y++++

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Upshot from Pittsburg trip - #maga #trump2020 #prolife #россия #2a #russia #nra #fitness #abortion #kag #guns #trump #sopa #pipa #opblackout #music #maga2020 #kag2020 #iran #biking #сша #крым #technology #syria #running #google #fsf #eff #drums #downloads #dmca #censorship #спецназ #москва #projectveritas #gunrights #учен #спецна #сирия #минобороны #мак #война #арми2019 #workout #nutrition #longevity #aging #боеваяподготовка #proli #maryland #love #health #fitne #firearms #baltimore #ягодка #ягода #яг #экспорт #черешня #цветочки #фрукты #фоторепорта #финляндия #учения #унк #украина #ук #ту22м3 #стрижи #стри #са #росс #оснгром #миноборон #боеваяпо #victory #ussr #us #unborn #uk #turkey #tuesdaythoughts #travel #training #tgdn #tcot #surveillance #spetsnaz #sovietunion #snowden #second #r

The following is abit speculative, and will definitely be getting more attention. In the rough, as is often the case. I just want to get helpful info out to people as soon as possible.  That's your caveat.

As a result of this trip, I'm working on a new theory of red meat consumption....
Red meat simulates trauma in the body, resulting in an endocrine and defensive effect
Essentially,when you eat red meat, your body is like wondering if you've been hurt...
If you are consuming alot of certain fruits&vegies, this defensive response is bigger
The red meat you are consuming has suffered heavy trauma, and the response is strong.
Maybe too strong. People who do extended workouts know that the effect is similar...
You get a similar effect from heavy exerise, but not as strong as eating red meat....
The effect is additive. If you combine red meat and heavy exercise, they add together
I'd suggest following counsel; go easy on the red meat. We need to figure this out.
Of course, there are other problems with red meat, such as the free radicals from...
Over cooking meat, especially on an iron griddle, which adds another toxic dimension.
Cytotoxicity resulting from combining these practices may be difficult to overcome...
The combination effect still theory for me. Trust me, I'll be working on this problem
If you undercook red meat, there is a parasite risk. This may be too hard for anyone.
Think hard about this. My advice is to eat healthy and avoid risk.
Recovery compression is also a factor. There seems to be an inate analgesic effect...
Again, if you add red meat, the analgesic effect may be too strong...
This compression analgesia angle is still very new. More study is definely needed!
Again, the combination may be too dangerous...
We are talking about free radicals and deranged iron homeostasis...
The damage may be sticky and difficult to recover. I'm really going to study more ;-)

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GMU/S d+@ s: a+ C++++ UBULI++++$ P+ L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O
M++@ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-(--)@ b !DI D- G e++++
h--- r+++ y++++