Saturday, September 29, 2012

Join me - stand with Bradley Manning


Bradley Manning's hearing has begun, and he needs our support. Join me and sign this statement that you stand with Bradley, and that he should be a protected whistleblower. 

Just go here:


Friday, September 28, 2012

Jones falls trail, baltimore, maryland #biking


Im  really looking forward to further exploration of the Jones Falls Trail. Here is a little snippet of the map.

Bicycle trailer - #carfree #biking

I'm out with the bicycle trailer for some grocery shopping. By saving on train fares, the trailer will pay for itself. Very sorry that I missed today's Baltimore Bike Party though. Everyone needs to bike more ;-).


Keep GMO apples out of our shopping carts

Dear Friend,

I just asked the CEOs of the major grocery store chains to refuse to
carry genetically modified apples or processed foods that use them.

The USDA is likely to fast-track approval of a new GMO apple variety
engineered not to brown when sliced. Over a minor cosmetic issue, our
supermarkets could be flooded with experimental apples that look
fresher than they should and unlabeled products sweetened with GMO
apple juice.

I just signed a petition telling major grocery stores around the
country that I don't want GMO apples on their store shelves. Will you
join me and help stop this potentially unsafe food?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ban Weaponized Drones

I just signed the petition to ban weaponized drones that is going to be delivered to every possible national and international authority. I hope you can sign too and spread the word.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ralph Nader: Obama’s a ‘War Criminal’

via (title unknown) by jon on 9/25/12

It’s no surprise that Ralph Nader isn’t a fan of former President George W. Bush. After all, the longtime activist ran against him in both 2000 and 2004. But Nader’s even less a fan of President Barack Obama, if only because he thinks Obama was capable of so much more.


read more

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Register to vote

Michael wants you to take action on "We Oppose Utah Tar Sands"!

Michael Love has just read and signed the petition: We Oppose Utah Tar Sands

You can view this petition at:

Message from Michael Love:

Hi, I signed the petition "We Oppose Utah Tar Sands". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 5,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

----- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

New Stanford/NYU Study Documents the Civilian Terror from Obama's Drones

via (title unknown) by jon on 9/25/12

Glenn Greenwald

A vitally important and thoroughly documented new report on the impact of Obama's drone campaign has just been released by researchers at NYU School of Law and Stanford University Law School.

read more

Report: "Counterproductive" US Drone Program "Terrorizes" Pakistan

US drones "terrorize" communities: study

via Al Akhbar English by Marc on 9/25/12

The US government's drone program in Pakistan "terrorizes" local communities, kills large numbers of civilians and drives anti-American fervor in the country, a new study by the law schools of Stanford and New York University finds.

The study, titled "Living Under Drones," finds that Pakistanis living in affected areas are afraid to attend public gatherings such as weddings and funerals as ground operators that guide the unmanned aircraft frequently mistake them as groups of al-Qaeda-linked fighters.

read more

'Terror and stress' in the shadow of the drones

Civilians in north west Pakistan are suffering "24-hour mental stress" because of the threat of drone strikes, drawing comparisons to the mood after the 9/11 attacks in the US.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Yesterday's #bike trip - Ellicott City #csx train #derailment clean up continues - #biking

In my experience, bicyclists tend to be green, somewhat anarchistic, and civicly engaged. It is great when you can use your bicycle to stand up for what you believe in, something that many bicycle commuters do every day. After 35 years of bicycle commuting, I decided that I would try to extend my range with some serious bicycle training over the course of the summer. Living in the Baltimore area makes this easy with many miles of gorgeous bicycle trails, many of them in the beautiful area parks. Yesterday, I managed to ride over 55 miles in a single day. This was a personal record for me, both in terms of time and of distance. I had such a great time that only wanted more. There is much to say about this trip, but first the pictures.




Patapsco Park has loads of classic natural beauty and tons of history as well.




According to this plaque in Patapsco State Park, the river valley was home to America's first railroad. This trip, I managed to check in at the information center in Ellicott City, and the staff confirmed this.  Back in the day, you could ride the first train from Baltimore to Ellicott City.




Behind the plaque, you can see blocky stone cuts, that likely formed the trestle for the old rail.  Down the river is the site of an old flour mill. There is much more great history in this park, and matters of environmental concern as well. It is currently being discussed whether to remove an old industrial dam from the river, in order to eliminate an artificial habitat division and fish barrier. I think this is probably a good idea.




While I was in Ellicott City, I stopped in again at the CSX train derailment site to see how the clean up is progressing.  On the rails, there was this truck, which is presumably being used to vacuum up the remaining coal. Progress is slow, but it continues.

I ranged very widely on this trip. I'll try to post an image of the map later. Here is a link to the Google map showing the approximate route.

View Larger Map

Most notable is likely the Annapolis road portion, which is not listed as passible in Google. I'd be confident taking my bicycle trailer on this portion of Annapolis road, but use due caution at the I895 clover leaf. Also, be sure to move to the Baltimore/Annapolis trail, if you go south of Cromwell. There is a beautiful park in Balitimore Highlands, adjacent to this road, which is worth checking out. If you get tired, there is easy access to the Light Rail along Annapolis road. If someone wants to give me the right Google link, I'd be happy to submit the Annapolis Rd data. Next time, I'll try Lansdowne Rd. If I were coming up the East Coast Greenway, I might try to camp in the park, although it is against regulations. ;-) There are also some little used off-rode trails in the park. I think that the parks are far more beautiful by .


If you have been reading these blog entries, you might remember that I saw a giant owl in Patapsco State Park the last time I was there. I could scarcely believe my eyes, in part because the great bird flew absolutely silently. On my way out of Ellicott City, I took the Old Trolley Trail, and I met a couple who confirmed that they had also seen two of these nearly waist high owls along that trail. Old Trolley Trail is another gorgeous spot, and I'm not surprised that the owls made their home there.


Here are the names of the places and trails that I visited on the trip. Any one of them is worth visiting, especially by bicycle. Bike trails: Middle Branch, BWI, Old Trolley out of Ellicott City, Gwynns Falls,& Jones Falls. Places:  City, BWI, Patapsco State Park, Ellicott City, Gwynns Falls park,& back via Druid Hill Park.


The ride was so enjoyable that I would gladly have continued up to the NCR trailhead in Cockeysville to complete 75+ miles. Alas, nightfall arrived, and with it rain, so I reluctantly decided to try again another day. 


If you are interested in my previous photos of the CSX train derailment site and clean up, here are links to those stories.





Voices from our community: Mason Bliss, Afghan Vet

via Uploads by Jill Stein by Jill Stein on 9/21/12

Mason is an Afghan Vet and will be voting for Jill Stein this November. Watch and learn why. Learn about Jill's platform, the Green New Deal, and how it will help: Share your story: Donate:
Views: 237
12 ratings
Time: 00:53 More in News & Politics

Friday, September 21, 2012

Michael wants you to take action on "Release Wildlife Damage Caused by BP Oil Spill"!

Michael Love has just read and signed the petition: Release Wildlife Damage Caused by BP Oil Spill

You can view this petition at:

Message from Michael Love:

Hi, I signed the petition "Release Wildlife Damage Caused by BP Oil Spill". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 5,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

----- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

On Anniv. of Afghanistan War: Say No to War and Sanctions on Syria and Iran

Another great action from ANSWER.


On the Anniversary of the Afghanistan War:
Say No to War and Sanctions on Syria and Iran

6820665745_3879228f4e.jpgOn the 11th Anniversary of the Afghanistan War, the ANSWER Coalition is organizing and participating in demonstrations around the country. Our central slogans are: “End the Afghanistan War Now!” and “No War and Sanctions vs. Syria and Iran! U.S. Out of the Middle East!

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Organizers for the main protest on the 11th anniversary here in Chicago, have omitted the issue of Syria and Iran, but ANSWER will be making both a central part of our slogans and literature.

The governments of Iran and Syria have been targeted for overthrow by the U.S. government. The reason that U.S. imperialism wants to carry out regime change in Syria and Iran is that both governments have been independent of the U.S. and the former NATO colonizers of the region.

The foreign policy of the U.S. government is to replace these governments with proxy or client regimes. It is not about “democracy” or “human rights” or “nuclear weapons.” Those are just excuses. Remember that George W. Bush used the same or similar pretexts to invade Iraq in 2003 and Obama did the same to justify the massive bombing of Libya in 2011.

Every time the U.S. targets a government for overthrow they first fully demonize the target in the mass media. They create a caricature of the target. They make it seem to the people that their next war is for a good cause and has just reasons.

Instead of accommodating itself to the public demonization campaign constructed by the war makers, anti-war organizations need to be strong enough to expose the lies.

The ANSWER Coalition believes that it is an absolute requirement to organize public opposition to the Pentagon/CIA campaign to bring down the Syrian and Iranian governments. That is what we will do at the upcoming October 7 demonstration in Chicago.

For more information about Oct 7. click here

ANSWER Chicago

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Michael wants you to take action on "Tell Congress: Oppose Legislation That Threatens Our Rivers & Safety"!

Michael Love has just read and signed the petition: Tell Congress: Oppose Legislation That Threatens Our Rivers & Safety

You can view this petition at:

Message from Michael Love:

Hi, I signed the petition "Tell Congress: Oppose Legislation That Threatens Our Rivers & Safety". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 10,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

----- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Italy 1, CIA Torturers 0

After years of appeals, Italy's high court has upheld the conviction of 23 Americans, including 22 CIA officers and one military official for the offense of kidnapping of a man off the street in Milan on February 17, 2003, and shipping him to Egypt to be brutally tortured.

Thank Italy for upholding the law. Ask Italy to request extradition of the convicted kidnappers.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tell Meet the Press: Real Journalism Requires Challenging False Information on Iran

On September 16, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared on US Sunday talk shows, scaremongering about Iran’s nuclear program. Meet the Press allowed Netanyahu to give a completely false picture of the Iran nuclear issue, without challenging his scaremongering through reference to known facts.

Tell Meet the Press that this is not acceptable: real journalism requires challenging false statements from politicians, particularly when these statements could provide a pretext for war.


Michael wants you to take action on "Romney: Don't Pretend You Know Me"!

Michael Love has just read and signed the petition: Romney: Don't Pretend You Know Me

You can view this petition at:

Message from Michael Love:

Hi, I signed the petition "Romney: Don't Pretend You Know Me". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 5,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

----- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Michael wants you to take action on "End Corporate Influence on our Elections"!

Michael Love has just read and signed the petition: End Corporate Influence on our Elections

You can view this petition at:

Message from Michael Love:

Hi, I signed the petition "End Corporate Influence on our Elections". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 10,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

----- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

Tell Mitt Romney: Thanks for letting us know you only want to be president of the rich

Dear Friend,

In a secretly recorded videotape from a Republican high dollar fundraiser, Mitt Romney incredulously claims that 47% of Americans don't pay taxes. That they are effectively sponging off the government and the taxpayers. And that President Obama is counting on these voters who are "dependent on government" to win reelection.

Mitt Romney will say anything to the American people to get to the White House. He'll say anything to help himself and his rich buddies rise to power. And normally he'll say anything to hide his true disdain for most Americans.

Tell Mitt Romney: Thanks for letting us know exactly where you stand -- exclusively for the richest Americans:

Monday, September 17, 2012

#NATO Airstrike in Afghanistan Kills 8 Women

via (title unknown) by andrea on 9/16/12

A NATO airstrike has killed at least 8 women and girls and injured at least 7 females in the eastern province of Laghman while they were collecting firewood on Sunday, Afghan officials say.

Villagers from the province brought the bodies to the provincial capital of Mehterlam, the Associated Press reports.

Seven injured females were also brought to the hospital, some as young as 10, according to news agencies.


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Stop the GOP war on voting

Dear Friend,

The Republican war on voting continues.

Ohio has emerged as the latest front in the Republican scheme to derail democracy by disenfranchising millions of voters. Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, in a blatant partisan move to steal the election for Mitt Romney, is trying to put an end to early weekend voting before Election Day. This change in Ohio election practices specifically impacts minority and low income voters.

I just joined CREDO Action and asked Sen. Patrick Leahy, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, to hold emergency hearings on Republicans' schemes to steal the presidential election in key battleground states.

Click on the link below for more information and so you can take action, too.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

US on Attack in Libya: Send in the #Drones #drone

In response to the distaste for the US presence in Libya, US sends more illegal incursions. #drone #drones

via (title unknown) by andrea on 9/15/12

The U.S. is surging its use of drones in Libya as it investigates the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, the Associated Press reports. 

With operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen stretching human resources thin, "Predator and Reaper drones" have been "increasing the area they cover and the frequency of their flights since the attack on the consulate, as well as sending more surveillance equipment to the region, one official said," according to the Associated Press.


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Jill Stein Campaign Swings Through Wisconsin

via Green Party Watch by Ronald Hardy on 9/14/12

After walking the picket lines in Chicago with striking teachers this week, Jill Stein is spending two days campaigning in Wisconsin before heading to New York for the one year anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Friday evening Stein stops in Oshkosh, Wisconsin for a meet & greet fundraiser at Becket’s Restaurant on the [...]

Friday, September 14, 2012

New Green Party Ballot Access Map - Jill Stein for President

Ballot Access Map

We are currently seeking a ballot line or litigating in: Kansas, Nevada, North Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming.

Jill Stein joins Chicago strike for public education

Jill Stein joins Chicago strike for public education

Jill_Stein_Chicago_strike.jpgEarlier today, Jill Stein joined the picket lines at Amundsen and Lane Tech, two Chicago high schools. On her way from Ohio, she cancelled her morning appearances in Minnesota in order to visit Chicago teachers, parents, and students who have been engaged in a citywide strike since Monday.

The battle the teachers of the Chicago Public Schools are fighting is not one of their choosing. It is one which has been foisted on them by politicians who have been bankrolled by, and who therefore represent the interests of, the 1%.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

This is useful. The mobile Plurk site.

This is useful. The mobile Plurk site.

I wonder what kind of ugly fascists delight in taking down social networking sites?

I wonder what kind of ugly fascists delight in taking down social networking sites?

Is it goodbye friendfeed?

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Potapsco State Park, Baltimore, Maryland - further report -

Posted via email from #p - proclus from Posterous
Potapsco State Park, Baltimore, Maryland - further report -

RT @ Yet another gorgeous nature spot nestled between BWI airport and Baltimore City. Regards, proclus

RT @ 2012-08-10 WLC News Update: GI Files releases, DDoS continues via WL Central by thisdayinwikileaks on 8/10/12 WikiLea http://ur1. ...

Patapsco valley trail, baltimore md

RT @ Yet another gorgeous nature spot nestled between BWI airport and Baltimore City. Regards, proclus

RT @ Michael Love has just read and signed the petition: Chevron, Stop Refinery Explosions You can view this petition at: ht http://ur1. ...

Patapsco valley trail, baltimore md -

Posted via email from #p - proclus from Posterous
RT @proclus I've heard that the London police qualified for minions of Sauron.

RT @proclus Why not learn TOR and donate to #Wikileaks. Both are worthwhile to do. Kill two birds with one stone. http://x4vy4j4riwzwp66p.onion/donate

RT @proclus If we start paying Olimpyc athletes, then amateurs will stop trying to get on TV.

RT @proclus From now on, every time I see the Olimpic logo, I'm going to thing of Lort of the Ringz.

RT @proclus Tor Project: Anonymity Online

I've heard that the London police qualified for minions of Sauron.

RT @OccupyArmy: Sign Daniel Ellsberg's petition for Bradley #Manning Let them hear us roar. #freebrad #wikileaks

From now on, every time I see the Olimpic logo, I'm going to thing of Lort of the Ringz.

RT @Maybecrzy: Commission on Presidential Debates: Include Gary Johnson and Jill Stein in the presidential debates via @change

RT @KellClaggSwag: LOL Jill Stein for president
RT @KellClaggSwag: LOL Jill Stein for president

RT @MikeRocketMusic: If you are apathetic towards the next presidential election, at least check out Jill Stein and some of her ideas.

RT @WISEUPforBM: GI Claims Harsh Treatment In WikiLeaks Case « CBS Baltimore #freebrad #manning

RT @NoelConfidence: When you've been shown the truth, you want more #truth. #Free #BradleyManning, Julian #Assange, #Anonymous. #wikileaks #imwikileaks

RT @jillstein2012: Don't forget to follow us on Facebook too!

RT @OccupyBaltimore: Drop the charges against Pennsylvania’s Occupy movements David C. Gorczynski. He was arrested and charged with...

RT @OccupyBaltimore: I joined a campaign with Occupy Our Homes - please sign: via @occupyourhomes

Tor Project: Anonymity Online

Why not learn TOR and donate to #Wikileaks. Both are worthwhile to do. Kill two birds with one stone. http://x4vy4j4riwzwp66p.onion/donate

Other ways to read this feed:Feed readerFacebook

Summer bicycle training continues

Last night I rode from Johns Hopkins Hospital to Hunt Valley Light Rail Stop. It was a 20 mile trip, and took me about 2 hours. I joined the East Coast Greenway route at Univesity Blvd. and Roland, and stuck with it on Charles Street after dark.  This part of Charles has a very wide shoulder, so that it is quite safe. Although there was alot of fast moving traffic, the main hazard at night was a couple of lost retreads in the wide shoulder area. It was a little tough finding my way from Charles to Greenspring Drive at night, but I managed it. If you ride this route at night, I recommend copious bicycle lighting. East Coast Greenway Google maps are availalble on the web.

I made excellent time in the cool night air for the last 5 miles. It was pure pleasure taking the back roads of Cockeysville at high speed.  It was a great ride, and I took the Light Rail train home. If you live in Baltimore, you should try this route. It is fairly easy to connect to the NCR York trail once you get to Cockeysville, and there are plenty of shopping and errands to get done on nearby York Avenue. If you become too adventurous, the Light Rail trains are ready at hand to get you home. Such is the usual case for me.




In #EllicottCity, clean up of the remaining coal seems to be very slow. - #csxderailment #csx #derailment #environment

In Ellicott City, clean up of the remaining coal seems to be very
slow. Trains are being routed through the city & very near the
derailment site. If you are interested in my photos of the
derailment clean up, here are the links.

Ellicott City train derailment clean up

Ellicott City train derailment clean up, Follow Up 2 - #ellicottcity
#train #csxderailment #csx #derailment #environment


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tell Obama: End Indefinite Detention


We did it! A federal court in New York just ruled indefinite detention UNCONSTITUTIONAL and issued a permanent injunction against use of that law -- it would have allowed the military to detain civilians -- even Americans -- indefinitely and without trial if they're accused of certain crimes. Please click here to tell Obama to back off of his support of indefinite detention, and tell your senators to oppose it when it comes up for a vote this fall.

It's an egregious violation of the Constitution, a disgusting infringement upon our due process rights, and has already had a chilling effect on activists and journalists. That's why writer Chris Hedges and six others sued to block it.

Shockingly, the Obama administration has consistently supported indefinite detention this year -- signing it into law in the dark of night on New Year's Eve and defending it in court. If we don't do anything, they'll probably keep fighting to protect this law!

Click here to tell Obama to quit supporting indefinite detention.


Michael wants you to take action on "Tell the Feds: Deny Shell Oil's Drilling Extension"!

Michael Love has just read and signed the petition: Tell the Feds: Deny Shell Oil's Drilling Extension

You can view this petition at:

Message from Michael Love:

Hi, I signed the petition "Tell the Feds: Deny Shell Oil's Drilling Extension". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 30,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

----- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

Tell President Obama to keep his promise

In Thursday's speech, President Obama promised he would "not let oil companies write this country's energy plan or endanger our coastlines".

He can keep that promise today by rejecting Royal Dutch Shell's final permit to begin risky new drilling in the Arctic.

The USCG Admiral that was in charge of the Gulf spill response and the non-partisan NGO have both concluded that the U.S. is not in a position to respond to a spill in the Arctic. Royal Dutch Shell hasn't put forth a realistic plan to respond to one either.

If there were a spill, species like polar bear and bowhead whales would be put at terrible risk. Fishing communities would see their way of life ruined. Cleaning an Arctic spill in the icy, choppy waters of the Chukchi Sea would be greatly more difficult than what we saw in the Gulf.

Please join me in asking President Obama to keep his promise and to reject Royal Dutch Shell's permit to drill in the Chukchi Sea this fall. You can take action with the Endangered Species Coalition at their website:

Thank you!

Michael wants you to take action on "Please help stop September 15 deadline for death of Harp Seals at Aquarium des Iles, Quebec, Canada"!

Michael Love has just read and signed the petition: Please help stop September 15 deadline for death of Harp Seals at Aquarium des Iles, Quebec, Canada

You can view this petition at:

Message from Michael Love:

Hi, I signed the petition "Please help stop September 15 deadline for death of Harp Seals at Aquarium des Iles, Quebec, Canada". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 25,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

----- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

Make Your Voice Heard!

I just took action on an issue that I consider important. I urge you to take action yourself and spread the word!

To take action on this issue, click on the link below: If the text above does not appear as a link or it wraps across multiple lines, then copy and paste it into the address area of your browser.
If you no longer wish to receive email messages sent from your friends on behalf of this organization, please follow the link below:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Michael wants you to take action on "Protect the Northern Spotted Owl"!

Michael Love has just read and signed the petition: Protect the Northern Spotted Owl

You can view this petition at:

Message from Michael Love:

Hi, I signed the petition "Protect the Northern Spotted Owl". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 5,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

----- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

Jill Stein at 2% in CNN Poll

via Green Party Watch by Ronald Hardy on 9/11/12

CNN/ORC released Presidential poll results on Monday that put Jill Stein at 2% support nation wide: 4. Now suppose that the presidential candidates on the ballot in your state included Barack Obama as the Democratic Party’s candidate, Mitt Romney as the Republican candidate, Gary Johnson as the Libertarian party candidate, and Jill Stein as the [...]

Shell Bores Into Arctic Sea Despite Flimsy Safety Tests

via (title unknown) by andrea on 9/10/12

Shell began drilling into the Arctic on Sunday despite little safety testing and without its containment barge.

The company's Noble Discoverer began drilling "pilot holes" 1,400 feet beneath the sea floor in the Chukchi Sea, about 70 miles from the Alaska coast.

"In the days to come, drilling will continue in the Chukchi Sea, and we will prepare for drilling to commence in the Beaufort Sea," the company stated.


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Guantánamo Inmate Dies, Ninth to Perish at Prison Camp

via (title unknown) by jacob on 9/11/12

A Guantanamo inmate and former hunger striker has been declared dead, the US Military said Monday. The detainee was discovered unconscious in his cell and was later declared dead at the US base hospital. The military has not yet revealed the detainee's identity, nationality, or the cause of his death. He was the ninth to die while in detention at the infamous high security prison camp.


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Friday, September 7, 2012 faces cooling system failure in today's heat

Wish us luck with staying online until the replacement parts arrive.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

(C) What Green Means: A Green New Deal for America

via Uploads by Jill Stein for President by Jill Stein for President on 9/3/12

Because of illegal censorship, we had to cut new TV ads in a hurry. You can read about the censorship issue here: --- and then make a donation here: -- after which you can tell us which ad you think we should use.
Views: 635
18 ratings
Time: 00:31 More in News & Politics