Friday, November 30, 2012

The Humiliation of Bradley Manning

via Original by Ray McGovern on 11/28/12

It is a bitter irony that Army Pvt. Bradley Manning, whose conscience compelled him to leak evidence about the U.S. military brass ignoring evidence of torture in Iraq, was himself the victim of cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment while other military officers privately took note but did nothing. That was one of the revelations at [...]

2012-11-29 Quantico psychiatrist: Bradley Manning treated worse than death r...

2012-11-29 Quantico psychiatrist: Bradley Manning treated worse than death r...

via WL Central by admin on 11/29/12


Ft. Meade, MD November 29, 2012 - Yesterday at Bradley Manning's Article 13 hearing, professional military psychiatrist Captain Kevin Moore testified that Bradley Manning's pretrial confinement conditions at Quantico military brig were worse than that of any other long-term pretrial prisoner he'd observed. He added that Bradley's restrictive conditions, including being held in a 6x8 foot cell, having access to only 20 minutes of sunshine and exercise per day, and being deprived of basic items such as clothing and toilet paper for periods of time, were most comparable to yet still more severe than conditions of prisoners he'd observed on death row.

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EXCLUSIVE: Julian Assange on WikiLeaks, Bradley Manning, Cypherpunks, Survei...

via Democracy Now! by (Democracy Now!) on 11/29/12


In his most extended interview in months, Julian Assange speaks to Democracy Now! from inside the Ecuadorean embassy in London, where he has been holed up for nearly six months. Assange vowed WikiLeaks would persevere despite attacks against it. On Tuesday, the European Commission announced that the credit card company Visa did not break the European Union’s antitrust rules by blocking donations to WikiLeaks. "Since the blockade was erected in December 2010, WikiLeaks has lost 95 percent of the donations that were attempted to be transferred to us over that period. ... Our rightful and natural growth, our ability to publish as much as we would like, our ability to defend ourselves and our sources, has been diminished by that blockade." Assange also speaks about his new book, "Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet." "The mass surveillance and mass interception that is occurring to all of us now who use the internet is also a mass transfer of power from individuals into extremely sophisticated state and private intelligence organizations and their cronies," he says. Assange also discusses the United States’ targeting of WikiLeaks. "The Pentagon is maintaining a line that WikiLeaks inherently, as an institution that tells military and government whistleblowers to step forward with information, is a crime. They allege we are criminal, moving forward," Assange says. "Now, the new interpretation of the Espionage Act that the Pentagon is trying to hammer in to the legal system, and which the Department of Justice is complicit in, would mean the end of national security journalism in the United States." [includes rush transcript]

EXCLUSIVE: Julian Assange on WikiLeaks, Bradley Manning, Cypherpunks, Survei...

via Democracy Now! by (Democracy Now!) on 11/29/12


In his most extended interview in months, Julian Assange speaks to Democracy Now! from inside the Ecuadorean embassy in London, where he has been holed up for nearly six months. Assange vowed WikiLeaks would persevere despite attacks against it. On Tuesday, the European Commission announced that the credit card company Visa did not break the European Union’s antitrust rules by blocking donations to WikiLeaks. "Since the blockade was erected in December 2010, WikiLeaks has lost 95 percent of the donations that were attempted to be transferred to us over that period. ... Our rightful and natural growth, our ability to publish as much as we would like, our ability to defend ourselves and our sources, has been diminished by that blockade." Assange also speaks about his new book, "Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet." "The mass surveillance and mass interception that is occurring to all of us now who use the internet is also a mass transfer of power from individuals into extremely sophisticated state and private intelligence organizations and their cronies," he says. Assange also discusses the United States’ targeting of WikiLeaks. "The Pentagon is maintaining a line that WikiLeaks inherently, as an institution that tells military and government whistleblowers to step forward with information, is a crime. They allege we are criminal, moving forward," Assange says. "Now, the new interpretation of the Espionage Act that the Pentagon is trying to hammer in to the legal system, and which the Department of Justice is complicit in, would mean the end of national security journalism in the United States." [includes rush transcript]

Bradley Manning Testimony Reveals Brig Counselor Deception Regarding Abusive...

Bradley Manning Testimony Reveals Brig Counselor Deception Regarding Abusive...

via (title unknown) by jacob on 11/30/12

Yesterday at Ft. Meade, MD, WikiLeaks whistle-blower PFC Bradley Manning testified for the first time. After occupying the stand over 5 hours for defense questioning, it was announced that the government's cross-examination would begin today at 9:30am EST. Bradley Manning told a detailed story about his pretrial conditions from the time he was arrested and brought to Kuwait through his nine months of harsh Prevention-of-Injury (POI) watch in the military brig in Quantico, VA, and finally to his experience being transferred to Ft. Leavenworth, KS, in April of 2011.

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Quantico Psychiatrist: Military's Mistreatment of Pfc. Manning 'Unprecedented'

via (title unknown) by jon on 11/29/12

The government psychiatrist charged with evaluating Pfc. Bradley Manning during his early detention at the military brig at Quantico told the judge at a pre-trial hearing on Wednesday that his recommendations for the Manning's treatment were repeatedly ignored by the Marine guard unit responsible for him.


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Quantico Psychiatrist: Military's Mistreatment of Pfc. Manning 'Unprecedented'

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Indefinite detention


I just received this important action alert from Demand Progress:

The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act allows the United States military to detain civilians indefinitely and without charge or trial -- even American citizens. Help us reverse this travesty of justice by clicking here to email your senators:

The Senate is taking up the 2013 NDAA TOMORROW (Thurs). Several senators are poised to put forth amendments to revoke or narrow the indefinite detention powers that we've been fighting so hard over the last year.

Demand Progress members have sent hundreds of thousands of emails to Congress and have helped fund the courageous lawsuit by Chris Hedges et al -- which recently spurred a federal judge to rule that indefinite detention is unconstitutional.

Because there are several amendments in play, our ask is broad and simple: Please urge your Senators to support any and all amendments to revoke or narrow indefinite detention powers.

Earlier this year we helped push an anti-indefinite detention amendment to the House's version of the NDAA to the brink of passage. The Senate is friendly turf for us: We have a real chance of winning this fight.

Please email your senators right away:

Monday, November 26, 2012

Stop the Monsanto Riders


So-called 'Monsanto riders,' quietly slipped into the multi-billion dollar FY 2013 Agricultural Appropriations bill, would require - not just allow, but require - the Secretary of Agriculture to grant a temporary permit for the planting or cultivation of a genetically engineered crop, even if a federal court has ordered the planting be halted until an Environmental Impact Statement is completed. All the farmer or the biotech producer has to do is ask.

That's why I signed a petition to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama, which says:

"Stop the Monsanto riders. Unless a citizen's army of farmers and consumers can stop them, Congress is likely to ram these dangerous riders through any day now."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Join farmers vs. Monsanto

On January 31, family farmers will take part in the first phase of a court case filed to protect farmers from genetic trespass by Monsanto’s GMO seed, which contaminates organic and non-GMO farmer’s crops and opens them up to abusive lawsuits. In the past two decades, Monsanto’s seed monopoly has grown so powerful that they control the genetics of nearly 90% of five major commodity crops including corn, soybeans, cotton, canola and sugar beets.
In many cases farmers are forced to stop growing certain organic and conventional crops to avoid genetic contamination and potential lawsuits. Between 1997 and 2010, Monsanto admits to filing 144 lawsuits against America’s family farmers, while settling another 700 out of court for undisclosed amounts. Due to these aggressive lawsuits, Monsanto has created an atmosphere of fear in rural America and driven dozens of farmers into bankruptcy.

Farmers need your voice today. Please spread the word.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

President Obama's decision time on Keystone XL

Dear Friend,

Now that President Obama has been re-elected, he's got a choice to make.

And in the wake of the devastation caused by climate-change-fueled
Superstorm Sandy, it shouldn't be much of a choice at all.

He must reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

President Obama will likely decide early next year. As he looks to the
priorities in his second term, and to the legacy of his presidency, we
need to send an immediate, unambiguous message right now.

Tell President Obama: Reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline:

Friday, November 16, 2012

#Anonymous: Operation Israel #OpIsrael #OpBlackout

via Uploads by TheAnonMessage by TheAnonMessage on 11/15/12

Welcome to Operation Israel. Operation Israel has been initiated to help the Gazans currently being annihilated by the sadistic forces of the IDF. It has also been initiated to destroy the Israeli network and preserve the Internet for the Palestinians facing persecution by the Israeli government. If you shut down the Internet, Anonymous will shut you down. That is not a threat. That is a promise. The Anonymous Gaza Care Package: IRC:, Channel Name: #OpIsrael, #FreePalestine Pad: PRESS RELEASES: Arabic - | English - | Hebrew - Twitter Hashtag: #OpIsrael #AnonymousAgainstIsrael #AntiIDF الله معكي يا غزة القلب Follow @TheAnonMessage for immediate updates.
Views: 9772
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Time: 03:05 More in Nonprofits & Activism

Michael wants you to take action on "Ask EU to join other Nobel Peace Price Laureates demanding freedom for Bradley Manning"!

Michael L. Love has just read and signed the petition: Ask EU to join other Nobel Peace Price Laureates demanding freedom for Bradley Manning

You can view this petition at:

Message from Michael L. Love:

Hi, I signed the petition "Ask EU to join other Nobel Peace Price Laureates demanding freedom for Bradley Manning". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 1,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

----- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stop the

USDA is poised to approve 2,4-D-resistant corn, the first in the pipeline of "next generation" crops. This and other herbicide-resistant crops will cause a dramatic surge in use of drift-prone chemicals – placing the burden of both increased costs and health risks on farmers and rural communities.

Join me in urging USDA to reject 2,4-D corn and stop the pipeline of new GE seeds.

Take Action>>

Stand your ground, Mr. President.

Dear Friend,

Last week Democrats won big at the ballot box, with President Obama
crushing Mitt Romney and Democrats winning more seats in the Senate.

But Congress is still headed for a major showdown over federal
spending before the end of the year.

And as Paul Krugman noted this weekend, once again Republicans are
"threatening to tank the economy unless their demands are met."

We need President Obama to stand up and draw a line in the sand to
reject any deal that cuts Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid
benefits, or cuts taxes for the wealthiest Americans.

So I just signed a petition telling President Obama to stand his
ground and not give in to Republican hostage takers.

I hope you do, too. You can find out more and easily sign the petition
at the link below:

Powers Designed for 'Terrorists' Entangle US Top Brass

via (title unknown) by jon on 11/13/12

As the New York Times reports Tuesday morning that the Petraeus sex scandal has now spread and the Pentagon has initiated an investigation into top NATO commander in Afghanistan, US General John Allen, what is becoming increasingly clear—beyond all the seemingly bizarre twists of this unfolding drama and leaving aside the question about whether or not the private sexual lives of top officials are, in fact, worthy of the endless media blitz they receive&mdas


read more

Monday, November 12, 2012

Election day should be a federal holiday


Each November, millions of people can't vote because they have to
work. Others have to stand in line for hours. Everyone should get to

That's why I signed a petition to The United States House of
Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama,
which says:

"Each November, election day should be a federal holiday. This will
let more people vote and more people be poll watchers."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Election day should be a federal holiday


Each November, millions of people can't vote because they have to
work. Others have to stand in line for hours. Everyone should get to

That's why I signed a petition to The United States House of
Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama,
which says:

"Each November, election day should be a federal holiday. This will
let more people vote and more people be poll watchers."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


On Veterans Day, don't thank us--join us in demanding justice

Congrats on another great action!
March Forward logo

On Veterans Day:
Don't thank us--join us in demanding justice
A message from March Forward! organizers

On Oct. 6, the 11th anniversary of the Afghanistan war, March Forward! led a shut-down of
a military recruitment center in Los Angeles, highlighting the loss of life abroad.
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“The point of public relations slogans like ‘Support our troops’ is that they don't mean anything. That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything. Its crucial value is that it diverts your attention from a question that does mean something: Do you support our policy? That's the one you're not allowed to talk about.” –Noam Chomsky

Former infantry Staff Sergeant Kevin Baker,
co-author, spent 28 months in Iraq.

Throughout the day, we will be thanked for our service countless times from friends, family, acquaintances and strangers, all who feel a genuine debt of gratitude to those who volunteered to put life, limb and mind on the line in the name of service to country. There will be ceremonies, celebrations, parades, lots of free appetizer coupons, TV specials, sales, parties, and all sorts of honors to make us feel appreciated.

And the outpouring of thanks on this day shows that natural tendency of human beings to want to care about each other, sacrifice for each other, and bond together for the good of the whole society.

We understand and deeply feel the sentiment of those gracious enough to express their gratitude. But as a generation of new veterans that is struggling to be heard, as a growing group with our own litany of hardships and battles we are fighting, we want to add to the discourse how many of us feel on Veterans Day and the burning issues that affect veterans.

Many of us feel deep guilt and remorse. On a day full of praise and thanks, we are reminded of what we are being thanked for. We are reminded of the people who would never thank us for our service.

Many of us have become friends and developed close personal bonds and relationships with people from Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Many of us have family members, spouses and children from those countries. Many of us have become close colleagues with people from those countries, become brothers and sisters in common struggle, and have taken part in historic political actions side-by-side against the same enemy.

Our service in the U.S. military consisted of carrying out the greatest loss of life, destruction, and humanitarian crisis of our generation against those people who we hold so close to our hearts. That is why receiving "thanks" for what we did can be very difficult.

For many of us, our entire lives since have been defined by the solidarity we feel with the people hurt by the war, the people we encountered who changed the way we thought about everything, and the deep regret we feel for the role we played. On a day filled with fanfare and recognition, we feel especially remorseful towards our colleagues, friends and loved ones hurt by the military we served in.

For all those millions (yes, millions) of innocent people who watched family members killed, had their homes and livelihoods destroyed, their limbs blown off, given birth to deformed or stillborn babies, suffered psychological trauma, endured being tortured—we can only imagine what it must sound like to them for us to be thanked and honored.

Former Corporal Mike Prysner, co-author,
spent 12 months in Iraq.

Of course we know these are not the things our friends and family are thanking us for on Veterans Day, but it is a very real and painful trigger for the thousands of veterans who realized their commonality with the people we’re sent to fight.

The problem with Veterans Day is that the United States is an imperialist country. Our generation’s wars have been for the banks and the Military Industrial Complex. Despite many of our best hopes, we do not serve “our country” in the U.S. military. We end up serving a tiny sector in the United States—a very small, very rich sector that profits from defense contracts, access to untapped resources and regional economic control—at the expense of innocent people who are just like us.

No matter how good-intentioned we were, or how honorably we served despite the situation the politicians put us in, we will not let Veterans Day eclipse the fact that there were people on the other side of the wars, who are just like our friends and family, whose lives were destroyed.

We get the opposite of “thanks” from our politicians and officers.  Military service is looked at as the highest form of sacrifice to this country without ever questioning in which way the military is used, or how the military and political leadership views its service members. The reality facing veterans today is a crisis that this government would rather keep wrapped in an American flag and tied with a yellow ribbon hidden from the American people. The truth is the suicide rate amongst veterans is 18 a day—one a day among active-duty service members. The truth being that the VA and military hospitals on base are flooded with broken service members who are not only receiving inadequate treatment, but are being actively denied legitimate PTSD diagnoses, compensation and treatment. A recent Pentagon study found that the vast majority of soldiers who attempt suicide do not want to die and have tried unsuccessfully and painstakingly to get help, but “do not see any other way out of the situation they are in.”

And as much as our esteemed officers will stand at the head of Veterans Day “thank you” ceremonies, they are responsible for the historic neglect of wounded troops. This is how they see us: “I have now come to the conclusion that suicide is an absolutely selfish act,” wrote Major General Dana Pittard, who commands Fort Bliss, one of the nation's largest military bases, in an official blog post. “I am personally fed up with soldiers who are choosing to take their own lives so that others can clean up their mess … be an adult, act like an adult, and deal with your real-life problems like the rest of us.” This is the sentiment across the officer ranks—take Col. Dallas Homas, medical commander at Fort Lewis who ordered his psychologists to deny legitimate PTSD diagnoses to “save money.” These stories of intentional denial of care, and contempt and punishment for wounded troops, are the status quo in today’s military.

Veterans experience extremely disproportionate rates of homelessness, unemployment and mental health issues. There could easily be immediate relief for all of these veterans. But our elected leaders in Washington and our un-elected leaders in the Pentagon seem to only have funds to pour into the for-profit defense industry.

And, of course, the biggest issue facing U.S. service members is the constant, repeated deployment to the 11-year-long, wildly unpopular, failed neo-colonial project in Afghanistan. Our government cares so little about the bloodbath we’re being sent to, that President Obama and Mitt Romney collectively spent less than two minutes discussing it in the foreign policy “debate.”

This quote from SSG Matthew Sitton while serving in Afghanistan sums up just how much this government cares about the lives of service members:

“I know the threat of casualties in war and am totally on board with sacrifice for my country, but what I do not agree with is the chain of command making us walk through—for lack of a better term—basically a minefield on a daily basis.

As a brigade, we are averaging at a minimum an amputee a day from our soldiers because we are walking around aimlessly.

There is no end state or purpose for the patrols given to us from our higher chain of command, only that we will be out for a certain period of time.”

He was killed by an IED in Afghanistan on Aug. 2, 2012, just weeks after writing this message, leaving behind a wife and newborn child. How can we take serious the “thanks” from our politicians and generals while they continue to send us on completely meaningless missions?

So many of us lost friends, both in combat and to suicide. As we remember them, we must remember that the politicians and general officers standing at the front of ceremonies today are responsible for their senseless death through their lies and abuse.

If Veterans Day really meant anything to our political and military leaders, they would end the war immediately, bring everyone home, and provide us adequate care and services. Their attempts to use this day to highlight their own empty “support the troops” image means nothing to us—especially while they are sending our brothers and sisters in uniform to a completely pointless bloodbath.

Not all of us wanted this life. We are praised because we made a decision to sign a contract giving ourselves completely to a job that involves the worst kind of risk and danger for the so-called “greater good.” But many of us made this decision because we felt there was no other option to make ends meet.

Today, thousands of young people are flooding into the military because their prospects for being able to get an education have grown unaffordable and out-of-reach. Thousands of youth—in particular youth of color—are faced with upwards of 50 percent unemployment in their communities, with the only available jobs being low-wage and temp work. Thousands of parents go into the military because there is no other way to provide their family with adequate health care and housing. Thousands of undocumented immigrants—especially now with the new militarized DREAM Act—join because they have no other option for citizenship.

The reason that there is such hardship for poor and working people is because this system must maintain a massive military budget, occupying and bombing countries that U.S. banks and corporations want to dominate. Then we are sent to fight the very same wars that led to such crisis in our communities to begin with.

So many have lost their lives, their bodies and their minds out of the dedication and commitment to provide a decent life for their children. But nobody should have to choose between war and poverty. Veterans Day should remind us of the devastating economic conditions that our communities suffer to feed the Pentagon war machine.

Let Veterans Day inspire you to join us in struggle. We raise these issues not to criticize people who want to express sincere thanks for those who sacrificed in their name, but to help everyone realize the key lessons we can learn from our generation of veterans and inspire you to join us in the new war we are fighting.

Today, our generation of veterans is in crisis. We are sent on constant deployments to endless wars we have no reason to fight. We come home to criminally inadequate treatment and services.  Just like in the past, we have no choice but to organize amongst ourselves and fight this government’s complete disregard for our lives and the lives of innocent people abroad.

Veterans and service members have never been given rights. We have always had to organize together and fight against the U.S. government to get them.

From the WWI veterans in the Bonus Army, who occupied Washington, D.C. and were beaten, shot and killed by the police, who won us the GI Bill and the Adjusted Compensation Payment Act; to Black service members who organized against segregation in the military; to the widespread GI uprisings that stopped our lives from being thrown away in the Vietnam War and eliminated the draft; to lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgendered service members who protested and got arrested in uniform to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell; to female service members fighting for equality and against the scourge of sexual assault and the refusal of our leaders to address it; to service members today fighting for their right to conscientious objection—we have always had to organize and fight to win any respect for our lives.

This Veterans Day, let the gratitude for our willingness to die “serving our country” become more than slogans, thanks and celebrations. Let it evoke the real, lived reality for veterans and service members; let it recognize the pain of those suffering from U.S. policy around the world; let it become a catalyst for resistance to this system’s unwavering commitment to imperialist war and militarism at the expense of millions at home and abroad.

This Veterans Day, and in the days ahead, join us in demanding an immediate withdrawal of US/NATO forces from Afghanistan, the punishment of the war criminal generals, politicians and Wall Street CEOs who created this suffering, reparations for the populations decimated, and real care for veterans.   

 Click here to learn about our latest initiative to fight against the Afghanistan war.

 Click here to make an urgently needed donation to help us carry out this important work.

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Next SoS?


The good news: Congressman Howard Berman -- one of the lead supporters of SOPA -- lost his re-election last week.

The bad news: The Los Angeles Times is reporting that Berman is being considered as the replacement for Hillary Clinton when she steps down as Secretary of State in coming weeks.

He'd get to play a key role in developing global Internet policy!

Please click here to tell President Obama and the Senate that Berman has no place being considered for Secretary of State:

Berman has spent decades representing Southern California, and has been one of the biggest shills for Hollywood and other forces that seek to censor the Internet:

He was one of the original sponsors of SOPA, and unlike so many others who had the sense to wiithdraw their support after the Internet cried out, Berman has never backed down.

But now the LA Times reports:

Berman, who has been chairman and ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is among those now mentioned by U.S. officials as a possible replacement for Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton when she departs next year

If the United States really cares about global Internet freedom, there couldn't be a worse pick for Secretary of State than Berman, who's repeatedly tried to censor the web at Hollywood's behest. Let's put Obama and the Senate on notice.

Just click here to tell Obama and the Senate not to back Berman for Secretary of State:


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Want GE Food labeled? Here's your chance

I know you care about the food you eat, so I thought you'd be interested in this action alert from the Center for Food Safety to urge FDA to label genetically engineered (GE) food.

The Center for Food Safety has filed a formal legal petition with FDA demanding that the agency require the labeling of GE foods and is spearheading a drive with the Just Label It Campaign to direct one million comments to the FDA in support of the petition. The comment period is set to close on March 27th and we’re less than 10,000 comments shy of our goal of one million comments. Can you help us reach it?

GE foods are required to be labeled in the 15 European Union nations, Russia, Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, and many other countries around the world. A poll released by ABC News found that 93 percent of the American public wants the federal government to require mandatory labeling of GE foods. Yet the U.S. is one of the only developed countries in the world that doesn’t require labeling.

Please send your comment to FDA and President Obama in support of mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods. Click here to send your comment:

Friday, November 9, 2012

Michael wants you to take action on "Let Researchers Tell the Truth About Oilsands!"!

Michael Love has just read and signed the petition: Let Researchers Tell the Truth About Oilsands!

You can view this petition at:

Message from Michael Love:

Hi, I signed the petition "Let Researchers Tell the Truth About Oilsands!". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 10,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

----- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

Michael wants you to take action on "Let Researchers Tell the Truth About Oilsands!"!

Michael Love has just read and signed the petition: Let Researchers Tell the Truth About Oilsands!

You can view this petition at:

Message from Michael Love:

Hi, I signed the petition "Let Researchers Tell the Truth About Oilsands!". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 10,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

----- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pakistan's American-Flag Makers in High Demand after Obama Win

via (title unknown) by jacob on 11/7/12

American flag makers in Pakistan are likely to benefit from US President Barack Obama's reelection this year, as mass protests over Obama's drone policy are likely to increase along with the demand for American flags to burn, Agence-France Presse reported Wednesday.


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Apple Censors Drone War

Apple Inc. is censoring basic public information on our drone wars. Can you help me ask Apple to change this policy?

Apple Censors Drone War

Apple Inc. is censoring basic public information on our drone wars. Can you help me ask Apple to change this policy?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Keystone XL Protestors Occupy TransCanada's Lobby Firm

via (title unknown) by lauren on 11/5/12

Dozens of protestors linked arms, barring the doors of TransCanada's lobbying firm Monday morning to protest in solidarity with the Tar Sands Blockade. 

The crowd gathered outside the Washington D.C. offices chanting "No pipeline! No tar sands! No destruction of indigenous lands!"

According to the Tar Sands Blockade blog, "police were quick to arrive at the scene and arrested several protestors."

Below is a video of the protest, filmed by Occupy Eye. 


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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Many thanks to those who were supporting the GNU-Darwin Action Group and the blog spectrum this year. We really made a difference.

Many thanks to those who were supporting the GNU-Darwin Action Group and the blog spectrum this year. We really made a difference.

Email your friends - Please vote for Jill Stein - #greenparty

Today is a great day to email your friends to encourage them to vote, and show your support for Jill Stein. My email might include the following points. 

If you vote against your own principles, that would be the best definition of a wasted vote. Please support Jill Stein.  Unlike the mainstream candidates, Jill Stein has supported great causes, such as; the Keystone XL pipeline blockade and the Chicago Teacher's strike. Not only does she support these causes, but she also participated in their actions. Why didn't the other candidates do this? She was often arrested with the other street activists. She has opposed the austerity agenda, which threatens all of us, but especially working people and the poor.

For over a year, leading climate and environmental organizations have complained about the lack of attention paid to climate change by President Obama and Governor Romney. Unlike the other candidates, Jill Stein has consistently pointed out that Hurricane Sandy is an example of why we need to set aside fossil fuels and address climate change.  Her Green New Deal would avert any economic loss that might occur from transitioning from fossil fuels to a green economy. Jill Stein cares about our future and the future of our children.

Please consider sending an email to your friends, and feel free to use these points.  You can learn more about Jill Stein and the Green Party at her excellent website.

Finally, if you would like to help defray Jill Stein's campaign costs, please donate at the following link. She has done a marvelous service.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Death Penalty for whistleblowers


This one is really egregious. It looks like the our government is classifying whistleblowing as "Communicating With the Enemy" -- since (just like the rest of us) "the enemy" can access releases by whistleblowers once they've been made public. It's an offense that carries the death penalty.

Click here to tell Obama and Defense Secretary Panetta to reverse this outrageous legal interpretation -- No death penalty for whistleblowers!

Here's Glenn Greenwald with more details (emphasis added):

A US air force systems analyst who expressed support for WikiLeaks and accused leaker Bradley Manning triggered a formal military investigation last year to determine whether she herself had leaked any documents to the group....

The investigation was ultimately closed when they could find no evidence of unauthorized leaking, but what makes these documents noteworthy is the possible crime cited by military officials as the one they were investigating: namely, "Communicating With the Enemy", under Article 104 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

He continues:

It seems clear that the US military now deems any leaks of classified information to constitute the capital offense of "aiding the enemy" or "communicating with the enemy" even if no information is passed directly to the "enemy" and there is no intent to aid or communicate with them.

Merely informing the public about classified government activities now constitutes this capital crime because it "indirectly" informs the enemy.

Just click here to email Obama, Panetta, and your lawmakers: No death penalty for whistleblowers!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

TV Ad: "Climate Storm" Jill Stein for President

via Uploads by Jill Stein by Jill Stein on 11/1/12

Help us get this third and final ad campaign in front of millions of voters right now:
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Voting machines tied to the Romneys could decide the election in Ohio

Dear Friend,

If this year's presidential election comes down to the electoral votes
in Ohio, the deciding votes could be cast on electronic voting
machines manufactured by a company - Hart Intercivic - with deep
financial ties to the Romney family.

Hart Intercivic is majority owned by H.I.G. Capital which controls two
of the five seats on the Hart Intercivic board. An investment fund
with deep ties to the Romney family and the Mitt Romney for president
campaign, H.I.G. Capital was founded by Tony Tamer, a major bundler
for the Romney campaign, and it is one of the largest partners of
Solamere Capital, an investment fund founded by Tagg Romney and
Spencer Zwick, Mitt Romney's chief fundraiser from the 2008
presidential campaign. This makes the Romney family part owner of the
voting machine company, through it's interest in H.I.G. Capital.

A 2007 study conducted by Ohio's Secretary of State showed that Hart
Intercivic's touch screen voting machines could be easily corrupted.

I just signed a petition telling the Department of Justice to not let
Republicans steal the election in Ohio with Romney-owned voting
machines. Click on the link below to find out more and sign the