Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Fwd: Big Media Ignoring Election Meddling Bombshell! - #2a #maga # iran #trump2020 #guns #prolife #crimea #abortion #trump #running #nutrition #nra #music #love #longevity #fitness #aging #drums #biking #health #lifes pan #ukraine #travel #russian #opblackout #putin #nature #kag #glock #firea rms
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<td class="content__body"><h3 class="content__body">Alex Jones here! Urgent Broadcast incoming!</h3> <p
class="description"></p> <h4>The mainstream media is continuing to not cover Project Veritas’ bombshell report
exposing a Google executive admitting the search giant is manipulating its algorithm to stop President Trump from winning re-election in 2020!
Infowars.com is the biggest outlet carrying the story that bad actors in the Democratic Party, Big Tech, and Globalist circles do not want you to
know! Spread this <u><strong><a href="http://email.vervemail.com/ct/54324465:JjF5TPYxN:m:1:2839680956:4461D9DEB6C665BEC99A45C037B6F236:r" target="_blank">LIVE
BROADCAST</a></strong></u> immediately to thwart their waning grip on the information matrix! Find out exactly why legacy media is strategically
shifting the narrative away from the story that exposes them for the frauds they are!</h4><h4>Today’s <strong><u><a
href="http://email.vervemail.com/ct/54324465:JjF5TPYxN:m:1:2839680956:4461D9DEB6C665BEC99A45C037B6F236:r" target="_blank">LIVE BROADCAST</a></u></strong> is loaded with major
guests ranging from a former legal adviser to the Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East peace negotiations, a journalist on the front lines in the
information war, and a top constitutional lawyer breaking down what to expect from Big Tech’s alliance with the Democrats! Do not miss
this!</h4> <h4>Tune into <a
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and Sunday 4-6 PM Central</strong> to watch the most banned broadcast in the world with breaking news and commentary exclusively from me and
other great Infowars hosts and guests!</h4><h4>Tell your friends and family to tune into <a
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<td class="content__body"><h3 class="content__body">Alex Jones here! Urgent Broadcast incoming!</h3> <p
class="description"></p> <h4>The mainstream media is continuing to not cover Project Veritas’ bombshell report
exposing a Google executive admitting the search giant is manipulating its algorithm to stop President Trump from winning re-election in 2020!
Infowars.com is the biggest outlet carrying the story that bad actors in the Democratic Party, Big Tech, and Globalist circles do not want you to
know! Spread this <u><strong><a href="http://email.vervemail.com/ct/54324465:JjF5TPYxN:m:1:2839680956:4461D9DEB6C665BEC99A45C037B6F236:r" target="_blank">LIVE
BROADCAST</a></strong></u> immediately to thwart their waning grip on the information matrix! Find out exactly why legacy media is strategically
shifting the narrative away from the story that exposes them for the frauds they are!</h4><h4>Today’s <strong><u><a
href="http://email.vervemail.com/ct/54324465:JjF5TPYxN:m:1:2839680956:4461D9DEB6C665BEC99A45C037B6F236:r" target="_blank">LIVE BROADCAST</a></u></strong> is loaded with major
guests ranging from a former legal adviser to the Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East peace negotiations, a journalist on the front lines in the
information war, and a top constitutional lawyer breaking down what to expect from Big Tech’s alliance with the Democrats! Do not miss
this!</h4> <h4>Tune into <a
href="http://email.vervemail.com/ct/54324465:JjF5TPYxN:m:1:2839680956:4461D9DEB6C665BEC99A45C037B6F236:r">infowars.com/show</a> <strong>Monday-Friday from 11AM-3PM Central
and Sunday 4-6 PM Central</strong> to watch the most banned broadcast in the world with breaking news and commentary exclusively from me and
other great Infowars hosts and guests!</h4><h4>Tell your friends and family to tune into <a
href="http://email.vervemail.com/ct/54324465:JjF5TPYxN:m:1:2839680956:4461D9DEB6C665BEC99A45C037B6F236:r">infowars.com/show</a> to watch today's broadcast and beat the Big Tech
censors! As Infowars faces unprecedented censorship, it's more important than ever that you spread <a
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This message was intended for: <a href='mailto:proclus@gnu-darwin.org'>proclus@gnu-darwin.org</a> <br />
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Monday, June 24, 2019
OpBlackout ozwort2 tag wrap - #fitness #trump2020 #running #health #guns #nra #maga #iran #aging #ÑамолеÑÑ #минобоÑÐ¾Ð½Ñ #боеваÑподгоÑовка #авиаÑÐ¸Ñ #prolife #nutrition #music #abortion #2a #аÑми2019 #longevity #crimea #ÑÑа #ÑоÑÑÐ¸Ñ #кÑÑм #russia #love #drums #biking #ÑÑ34 #exercise #Ñво #ÑÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ #ÑпеÑназ #trump #lifespan #Ñво #travel #nature #bodybuilding #видео #workout #training #maryland #gymlife #baltimore #пво #коÑабли #зво
OpBlackout ozwort2 tag wrap - #fitness #trump2020 #running #health #guns #nra #maga #iran #aging #ÑамолетÑ&lsqauo; #минобоÑонÑ&lsqauo; #боеваÑподготовка #Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ #prolife #nutrition #music #abortion #2a #аÑми2019 #longevity #crimea #ÑÑа #ÑоÑÑÐ¸Ñ #кÑÑ&lsqauo;м #russia #love #drums #biking #Ñу34 #exercise #цво #ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ #Ñпецназ #trump #lifespan #Ñво #travel #nature #bodybuilding #видео #workout #training #maryland #gymlife #baltimore #пво #коÑабли #зво
Sunday, June 16, 2019
How to get a ton of industrial music on the cheap, and activate monster mode too! ; -) - #2a #abortion #aging #biking #drums #fitness #iran #longevity #love #maga #music #nature #nra #nutrition #prolife #running #russia #trump2020 #unborn
Tip of the day: Side-Line has hundreds of excellent song for free. Also
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This music is awesome for workout. Don't miss out on the excellent free
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Music | Side-Line Magazine
Alfamatrix and other industrial labels also have excellent compilation
collections. Follow this method, and for a little money, you can have
thousands of awesome tunes. Side-Line has announced Session 5 of their
Face the Beat compilation, so get ready from even more great industrial
music! I could go on and on with many more tricks for obtaining thousands
of great industrial tunes.
These studio compilation tracks are very special, hand-picked by music
producers who know how to provide the best music. Other great industrial
compilation collections come from Upscene/Indigo/Gothic shopper magazine.
Such compilations often provide mixes that you you haven't heard before,
that can't be found any other way. This is why you might want to rip some
used CD's, to save money and get these great tunes. It's work, but it's
often the only way. Alternatively, you can order directly from the
studios, and receive new discs, plus often great free stuff, like band
cards, announcements, and stickers.
Like Alfamatrix, Out of Line is a great studio, with excellent service,
and awesome compilation collections. Alfamatrix releases often include a
free promo disc. You can just get so much music this way. It's awesome!
If that's not enough for you, then follow industrial DJ's. They often
stream their shows, and provide mp3 files of what they have played. Like
the studio producers, DJ's are music professionals. They spend alot of
effort to provide industrial music you may not have heard before.
Of course, YouTube, Amazon, and Yandex Music are a great mention here.
Follow the industrial bands that you like, and they will provide more
suggestions. Yandex has a great facility. If you upload your music to
Yandex Disk, they will enhance the music suggestions.
After so many years, industrial music is not slowing down, in fact, it
could just take over completely. We can keep the industrial momentum going
by supporting not just the bands, but the festivals, labels, producers,
and DJ's. Make it happen. While I'm mentioning, I shouldn't forget Orkus
Magazine. It's in German, but you were thinking of learning German anyway,
right? Orkus is another industrial magazine that provides great demo
discs, and a very reliable service.
So what are you going to do with those thousands of industrial songs when
you get them???? Research now indicates that listening to music while you
sleep can have some benefits. I've found that it helps me love the music
more. Of course, listening to industrial music while sleeping can produce
some scary moments sometimes, so be ready for that. ;-) Practicing drums
while listening to industrial music is a great idea. The tempo is
marvelous. If you are working out, industrial music might help you to
activate monster mode. Let's do this! ;-)
check Alfamatrix Matrix downloads for hundreds of great songs for free.
This music is awesome for workout. Don't miss out on the excellent free
workout tracks. Here is an example...
Matrix Downloaded 002 | Alfa Matrix
Music | Side-Line Magazine
Alfamatrix and other industrial labels also have excellent compilation
collections. Follow this method, and for a little money, you can have
thousands of awesome tunes. Side-Line has announced Session 5 of their
Face the Beat compilation, so get ready from even more great industrial
music! I could go on and on with many more tricks for obtaining thousands
of great industrial tunes.
These studio compilation tracks are very special, hand-picked by music
producers who know how to provide the best music. Other great industrial
compilation collections come from Upscene/Indigo/Gothic shopper magazine.
Such compilations often provide mixes that you you haven't heard before,
that can't be found any other way. This is why you might want to rip some
used CD's, to save money and get these great tunes. It's work, but it's
often the only way. Alternatively, you can order directly from the
studios, and receive new discs, plus often great free stuff, like band
cards, announcements, and stickers.
Like Alfamatrix, Out of Line is a great studio, with excellent service,
and awesome compilation collections. Alfamatrix releases often include a
free promo disc. You can just get so much music this way. It's awesome!
If that's not enough for you, then follow industrial DJ's. They often
stream their shows, and provide mp3 files of what they have played. Like
the studio producers, DJ's are music professionals. They spend alot of
effort to provide industrial music you may not have heard before.
Of course, YouTube, Amazon, and Yandex Music are a great mention here.
Follow the industrial bands that you like, and they will provide more
suggestions. Yandex has a great facility. If you upload your music to
Yandex Disk, they will enhance the music suggestions.
After so many years, industrial music is not slowing down, in fact, it
could just take over completely. We can keep the industrial momentum going
by supporting not just the bands, but the festivals, labels, producers,
and DJ's. Make it happen. While I'm mentioning, I shouldn't forget Orkus
Magazine. It's in German, but you were thinking of learning German anyway,
right? Orkus is another industrial magazine that provides great demo
discs, and a very reliable service.
So what are you going to do with those thousands of industrial songs when
you get them???? Research now indicates that listening to music while you
sleep can have some benefits. I've found that it helps me love the music
more. Of course, listening to industrial music while sleeping can produce
some scary moments sometimes, so be ready for that. ;-) Practicing drums
while listening to industrial music is a great idea. The tempo is
marvelous. If you are working out, industrial music might help you to
activate monster mode. Let's do this! ;-)
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Longevity futurism - #fitness #russia #running #maga #nutrition #health #2a #prolife #guns #abortion #nra #longevity #gun #exercise #biking #aging #travel #love #lifespan #trump #firearms #wwii #ww2 #history #china #germany #france #diet #uk #healthy #europe #workout #victory #ussr #sovietunion #reading
All of the current situation has me wondering about the next great leap
forward for longevity. I think the clue to this is in the risk
mitigation article...
We can expect many incremental longevity benefits in the future, but the
big gains are going to come from mitigation of high-risk activities.
The reason for this is not hard to see. Once the indefinite lifespan is
obtained, the focus shifts to accident avoidance, etc. People would
like to avoid the sad irony of being proverbially hit by a bus after
many decades of longevity pursuit. Physics may provide final answers to
the last longevity quandary, which has then moved beyond the sphere of
the life sciences. The mind boggles on approach to this problem, but I
have thought of a few interim solutions. We need a new discipline of
future science that focuses on longevity, so that we can predict hazards
and avoid them. In the meantime, expand your knowledge and insight, in
order to avoid problems that could impact longevity. Fortunately, the
longevity pursuit assists the kind of intelligence that will solve this
ultimate longevity quandary. In due course, we may obtain the means to
foresee, avoid, and even reverse bad outcomes. Exciting times are ahead!
Michael L. Love
forward for longevity. I think the clue to this is in the risk
mitigation article...
We can expect many incremental longevity benefits in the future, but the
big gains are going to come from mitigation of high-risk activities.
The reason for this is not hard to see. Once the indefinite lifespan is
obtained, the focus shifts to accident avoidance, etc. People would
like to avoid the sad irony of being proverbially hit by a bus after
many decades of longevity pursuit. Physics may provide final answers to
the last longevity quandary, which has then moved beyond the sphere of
the life sciences. The mind boggles on approach to this problem, but I
have thought of a few interim solutions. We need a new discipline of
future science that focuses on longevity, so that we can predict hazards
and avoid them. In the meantime, expand your knowledge and insight, in
order to avoid problems that could impact longevity. Fortunately, the
longevity pursuit assists the kind of intelligence that will solve this
ultimate longevity quandary. In due course, we may obtain the means to
foresee, avoid, and even reverse bad outcomes. Exciting times are ahead!
Michael L. Love
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