Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Breaking: New Study Links Mountaintop Removal to 60,000 Additional Cancer Cases
U.K. police say they've arrested LulzSec's 'Topiary'
Scotland Yard says it has arrested the "spokesman" for the hacking groups Anonymous and LulzSec.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Italien: Hacker wollen Cyber-Polizei ausgespäht haben
Hacker aus dem Umfeld von Anonymous haben die Veröffentlichung von über acht Gigabyte geheimer Daten der italienischen Internetpolizei Cnaipic angekündigt. Sie wollen die "korrupten" Machenschaften der Behörde anprangern - und sich für die Festnahmen der letzten Woche rächen.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Don't Let Congress Order Internet Companies to Spy on You: Oppose the Data Retention Bill
The U.S. House of Representatives is currently considering H.R. 1981, a bill that would order all of our online service providers to keep new logs about our online activities, logs to help the government identify the web sites we visit and the content we post online. This sweeping new "mandatory data retention" proposal treats every Internet user like a potential criminal and represents a clear and present danger to the online free speech and privacy rights of millions of innocent Americans.
Please, contact your Representative today and ask them to oppose this dangerous bill:
Don't Let Mexican Wolf Trapping Start Again
Friday, July 22, 2011
RE: Turn Up the Heat on FOX News
How's the weather by you? I just can't stand this heat anymore!
I recently read that climate science has shown that global warming is contributing to the changes in weather and temperatures that we're experiencing. But you wouldn't know that if you were watching FOX News.
FOX News has not mentioned human-induced climate change or global warming while reporting on or discussing the current heat wave at all! Apparently FOX News only discusses global warming when it helps to advance their agenda--for instance, they used the February 2010 blizzards to mock global warming.
Well, I'm turning the heat up on FOX News--I just sent them a message telling them to stop promoting an anti-climate agenda and start providing accurate coverage of the climate crisis.
Won't you join me? Click here to get started:
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Anonymous-Aktion: Hacker wollen massenweise Nato-Daten entwendet haben
Ein Gigabyte interner Daten: Unbekannte aus dem Umfeld von Anonymous behaupten, massenweise vertrauliche Nato-Dokumente zu besitzen. Sie haben angebliche Beweisstücke ins Web gestellt - und drohen mit weiteren Veröffentlichungen.
Anonymous Boasts That It’s Hacked into NATO Security
LONDON—A group of computer hackers claims to have breached NATO security and accessed hordes of restricted material.
The group called Anonymous says it would be "irresponsible" to publish most of the material it stole from NATO but that it is sitting on about 1 gigabyte of data.
Anonymous posted a PDF file Thursday on its Twitter page showing what appeared to be a document headed "NATO Restricted."
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Stop the Extinction Rider: Tell Congress to Save Species
Schlag gegen Anonymous: FBI nimmt 14 mutmaßliche Hacker fest
Das FBI geht massiv gegen die Hackergruppe Anonymous vor, in mehreren US-Bundesstaaten wurden Dutzende Razzien durchgeführt. Der Behörde zufolge nahmen die Beamten 14 Personen fest - sie sollen hinter einem Online-Angriff auf den Bezahldienst PayPal stecken.
Des membres présumés d'Anonymous arrêtés aux Etats-Unis et en Europe
Selon les autorités américaines, seize personnes ont été arrêtées aux Etats-Unis, et cinq autres en Grande-Bretagne et aux Pays-Bas.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Anonymous Members Raided by FBI; Hacker Group Claims to Have News Corp. Emails
A day after the online sect LulzSecurity pulled their own hack on Rupert Murdoch, members of the most the widely-known hacking collective Anonymous, from which LulzSec spun off, have been raided by the FBI.
I just signed Bernie's Petition!
Breaking -- federal indictment
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Soziale Netzwerke: Anonymous und Facebook gegen Google+
Facebook soll an einer besseren Integration von Nachrichten arbeiten, Anonymous will ein eigenes, natürlich anonymes soziales Netzwerk starten, und Anzeigen, die für Google+ werben, sind bei der Konkurrenz unerwünscht.
Les hackers d'Anonymous s'attaquent au géant Monsanto
Le collectif de pirates informatiques s'est attaqué, la semaine dernière, au géant de l'agroalimentaire Monsanto, décrié pour sa production et commercialisation d'OGM et son herbicide toxique, le Roundup.
Traitor or Whistleblower?: The Divided Life of Bradley Manning
Chat transcripts by Bradley Manning, the alleged source of secret US government documents for WikiLeaks, will be used as evidence in his military trial. They reveal a conflicted and lonely young soldier who felt strongly about revealing "almost criminal" behavior. He's spent 14 months in jail, but there is still no date for his trial.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Public Input on Fracking
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Help me save sea turtles, take action today
Please use the link below to take action to help protect endangered Kemp's ridley sea turtles from speeding motorists allowed to drive their vehicles on Texas nesting beaches. I really care about protecting sea turtles from being pushed to extinction, and hope you join my efforts and the Sea Turtle Restoration Project right now. you very much,
Take action with me! If the text above does not appear as a link or it wraps across multiple lines, then copy and paste it into the address area of your browser.
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Protect Our Wildlife and Waterways From Pesticides
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tell Congress: Investigate News Corporation!
Family members of 9/11 victims just called for an investigation into allegations that FOX News owner Rupert Murdoch's newspaper News of the World sought to hack into voicemail boxes of 9/11 victims.
Murdoch has already been forced to shut down the British paper since it has been revealed that its reporters hacked into the voicemail of politicians, celebrities, British soldiers and even a missing girl who was later found murdered.
But now this scandal has expanded to the US, on reports earlier this week that a former New York City police officer claims he was offered money by News of the World journalists to retrieve phone records of 9/11 victims and their families.
This is an opportunity to hold the owner of FOX News accountable before the American people for the detestable practices he promotes as journalism. Murdoch's News Corporation is a US company that operates FOX News, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post. And if any News Corporation outlets were spying on Americans, we deserve to know.
I just signed a petition asking Congress to investigate News Corporation. I hope you'll sign too. You can sign and learn more at the link below:
Our nest eggs funding the corporate agenda
A word of thanks
Send a message here:
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Anonymous-Angriff: Hacker feiern Diebstahl Zehntausender militärischer Zugan...
Die US-Beraterfirma Booz Allen Hamilton hat offenbar ein Datenleck: Die Web-Guerilla Anonymous will Zehntausende militärische Zugangsdaten veröffentlicht haben. Dabei soll es sich um Passwörter und E-Mail-Adressen handeln, viele gehören zum US-Militär. Das Pentagon ist alarmiert.
L'extradition de Julian Assange examinée en appel à Londres
La Haute Cour de Londres entame mardi l'examen de l'appel de Julian Assange, fondateur de WikiLeaks, contre son extradition vers la Suède, où deux ex-collaboratrices l'accusent d'agressions sexuelles.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Anonymous amenaza a la policía y la justicia ante el juicio al fundador de l...
Anonymous regresa en defensa de Assange. Varios miembros destacados del colectivo han amenazado con lanzar ataques contra la policía y la justicia británicas mañana, día en que la extradición de Julian Assange vuelve a ponerse en juego. El editor australiano comparece ante el Tribunal Superior de Londres, donde se verá el recurso que plantearon sus abogados para evitar que sea llevado ante la justicia sueca.
NRDC: Don't let Big Oil destroy 160 million birds If the text above does not appear as a link or it wraps across multiple lines, then copy and paste it into the address area of your browser.
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Help stop trade agreements that threaten the environment
PFC Bradley Manning: Conscience and Agency
The following is a response to last week's New York Magazine article, Bradley Manning's Army of One.
David House on Bradley Manning, Secret WikiLeaks Grand Jury, U.S. Surveillan...
On the eve of the extradition hearing for WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange in London, we spend an exclusive hour with David House, who co-founded the Bradley Manning Support Network after U.S. Army Private Manning was arrested for allegedly releasing classified U.S. military documents to WikiLeaks. House refused to testify last month in Alexandria, Virginia, before a grand jury hearing on WikiLeaks and the disclosure of thousands of classified U.S. diplomatic cables. Democracy Now! spoke to House at the Frontline Club in London about the significance of WikiLeaks, how he helped found the Bradley Manning Support Network, his visits with Manning at the Quantico Marine base in Virginia, the federal surveillance he and his associates have come under, and his experience before the grand jury. “In my mind, this reeks of the Pentagon Papers investigation,” says House. “Richard Nixon’s [Department of Justice] 40 years ago attempted to curtail the freedoms of the press and politically regulate the press through the use of policy created around the espionage investigation of The New York Times. I feel that the WikiLeaks case we have going on now provides Obama’s DOJ ample opportunity to continue this attempt to politically regulate the U.S. media.”
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Another Pipeline, Another Spill
Visit to take action now.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
I have been reading Ellington Darden's Bowflex book, sort of following his plan. Is anyone else getting far better results than he predicts?
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange on Role of U.S. Cables in Helping Stir Arab...
Earlier this year, WikiLeaks released a the largest trove of classified U.S. State Department cables in history, exposing the U.S. role in propping up unpopular regimes in the Middle East and supporting human rights abuses against opponents. During a July 2 discussion moderated by Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange highlighted the importance in releasing the information documented in the diplomatic cables, the impact WikiLeaks has had on world politics and journalism in general, and about the Arab Spring political uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, now continuing across the region in Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, and Libya. [Includes rush transcript]