Thursday, March 21, 2013

Much belated Valentines wishes

Hope that you enjoy this bit of verse. Be sure and pass the hugs around!

I love you!, some verse by Michael L. Love

Love, I am in a love lockdown.
It's love hate.
I say love you, not boy love.
I am fated to love you.
I want to say I love her.
I want to be your love guru, bad love.
Don't hate that I love you.
Don't say that I love money.
I want to play a lady gaga love game to you,
and say love sayings to you.
I will send you a love sms,
so that you will know that it is pure love.
I want to be in your love horoscope.
You have me in a love lock down.
It's not guy love.
It's not dvd love.
I want your love today.
Let's ride the rock of love bus.
It's not love and hate.
Be my computer love.
I love money 2.
Be in my love horoscopes.
We will be famous love,
and a love saying,
and cute love quotes,
love etc.
I'm in a love lock down.
It's skinny love.
It's your birthday love.
We will write the love definition,
and famous love quotes,
and sayings.

It's not love vs money,
or sad love quotes.
We should be the definition of love,
and famous love quotes.
You are my rock of love.
I love saying I love you,
but it is unrequited love,
bon iver skinny love,
e cards love.
We were love 2007,
and love inc,
and love shayari.
It was funny love quotes,
the dream of love vs money.
You are on my bratz love meter.
This is a real chance at love,
ashley rock of love,
and famous love poems.
I mean inspirational love,
the love letters of great men,
not love dvds,
or love ecards,
or love my flash.
We had sayings about love,
taya rock of love.
Write love poems for her,
and love sonnets.
It's valentines day love.
We need a free love calculator,
and a real chance of love girls.
To love and die,
for love 21,
is a free love test.

Write love poems for the one you love,
and you will need a true love calculator,
not an online love calculator,
to calculate your love.

Get me to the love calculator.

by Michael L. Love


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