Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Support Muslim Objector Nasser Abdo; Operation Recovery Launched; Alliance for Global Justice; Bradley Manning

Hello GNU-Darwin Action Group,

Michael L. Love has forwarded this e-mail newsletter to you:

nasserSupport US Army Muslim objector
Fort Bragg infantry soldier Nasser Abdo has applied for discharge as a conscientious objector based on his Muslim faith; however, his unit may attempt to deploy him anyway.

Operation Recovery launched
"Military commanders are pushing service members far past human limits for the sake of 'combat readiness.' There is a problem, a basic right is being denied, and we will organize to get it back," declares Iraq Veterans Against the War.

Alliance for Global Justice
We're now a program of the Alliance for Global Justice, a nonprofit 501(c)(3).This allows us to focus on our mission--and less on non-profit administrative paperwork.

Free Bradley Manning
Alleged Wikileaks whistle-blower Army PFC Bradley Manning remains at the center of our daily work. We'll be launching a public declaration and petition "We Stand with Brad!" soon. Check out "20+ Cities rally support for Bradley Manning" if you missed it.


Support US Army Muslim objector Nasser Abdo

nasserBy Courage to Resist
October 12, 2010

Please consider a donation to Nasser's defense via Courage to Resist. We hope to raise at least $1,000 towards his civilian legal representation. Nasser faces deployment, and likely jail if he refuses.

"To a soldier the association of terror and Islam serves the purpose of falsely justifying ones actions in combat by stripping Muslims of their humanity. The association of terror and Islam is what we now refer to as Islamaphobia, and furthermore that it is as if the US public is just recently following a trend that has been rampant in the military for years. Only when the military and America can disassociate Muslims with terror can we move onto a brighter future of the religious collaboration and dialogue that defines America and makes me proud to be an American.”
--PFC Nasser Abdo

As Chuck Fager, Director of Quaker House, Fayetteville, NC, explains in support of Nasser, “A Muslim soldier whose interpretation of his faith leads him to the conviction that he can’t participate in war deserves the same respect from the Army as does a Quaker, a Mennonite, or any other person following their conscience.”

A handful of past Courage to Resist donors have expressed objections to our support of PFC Nasser Abdo. There are always a couple of folks that have problems with any particular objector and their reasons for refusing to fight or speak out. However, in Nasser's case, it's been far more than usual. For Courage to Resist, we help objectors tell their stories and support them when they come into conflict with the military as a result of reasons of conscience.

For audio and video interviews with Nasser, visit

Operation Recovery launched to resist repeated deployments

ivawBy Iraq Veterans Against the War
October 7, 2010

Thousands of troops are being sent to war despite suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and Military Sexual Trauma (MST). Many of us within IVAW have faced or are currently facing deployment as we try to recover from the severe trauma we have already experienced.

While we recognize that we must stop the deployment of all soldiers in order to end the occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan, we see the deployment of soldiers with PTSD, TBI, and MST as particularly cruel, inhumane, and dangerous. Military commanders across all branches are pushing service members far past human limits for the sake of 'combat readiness.' We cannot allow those commanders to continue to ignore the welfare of their troops who are, after all, human beings.

Now a program of Alliance for Global Justice

afgjBy Courage to Resist. October 12, 2010

Courage to Resist is now a program of the Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ)! We would like to thank the International Humanities Center (IHC) for their fiscal sponsorship during the first five years of our collective. Like IHC, AfGJ is a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code. This relationship allows Courage to Resist to focus more on our mission of supporting the troops who refuse to fight--and less on the administrative paperwork required to keep a non-profit running. Like most fiscal sponsors, AfGJ hosts a number of projects. However, Courage to Resist is autonomous from and independent of any political organization, party, group, or other AfGJ-sponsored project.


Please click here to forward this to a friend who might also be interested in supporting GI resisters.

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