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From: "Free Software Foundation"
Subject: ACTA Action: Call on Obama to end the secrecy, reject the treaty
Two weeks ago, we delivered over 4,000 of your signatures on our [ACTA
petition][1] to negotiators meeting in Washington, D.C.
his administration are blocking release of the full text of ACTA. They
don't want the public to know what the negotiators are up to, because
they know we wouldn't stand for it. James Love, director of Knowledge Ecology International, has published
an [article in the Huffington Post][2] today calling attention to
Obama's hypocritical secrecy on this: [-]
> It is not an unreasonable request that the Obama administration
> join the 37 other countries in the negotiation to support the
> release of the ACTA text to the public, so we can see what the
> negotiators are up to. After all, the Obama Administration does
> share its positions in the ACTA negotiations with corporate
> lobbyists. It's important to go a step further than James Love and also reject
the propaganda term ["intellectual property"][3] when criticizing the
agreement, because the term itself rigs the debate in favor of these
same corporate lobbyists. Please take a minute to read the article, and write to Obama at
urging him to end the hypocrisy
and release the text of the agreement. We don't need the current text to know ACTA is bad. We know from
previous releases of the text -- by other countries -- that the treaty
is [full of measures that attack the public's freedom][4]. But forcing
governments to have this conversation in public would make it much
more difficult for them to succeed. We've also still left our petition open for signing, so we can deliver
more signatures at the next opportunity -- please continue telling
your friends, colleagues and family about it so we can stop this
assault on our freedom. # Take Action - Read and share James Love's article:
- Demand that Obama release the current text of ACTA:
- Urge others to sign the FSF's petition opposing ACTA: # References [1]: http://www.fsf.org/campaigns/acta/acta-declaration
[2]: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-love/white-house-blocks-disclo_b_704676.html
[3]: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/not-ipr.html
[4]: http://www.fsf.org/campaigns/acta/why-acta-declaration
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