Monday, April 26, 2010

Other blogs in the Michael L. Love/proclus/GNU-Darwin spectrum

Details from Technorati

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Authority link Technorati Authority: 142

Blogger GNU-Darwin Action feed: Named after the predilection of GNU-Darwin to black out as a form of political protest, this feed is in blackout colors, and provides related Google Reader bundles. GNU-Darwin aims to be the most free software distribution. Our mission is two-fold: Focus on projects that leverage our unique combination of Darwin and GNU, and help users to enjoy the benefits of software freedom. (founded November 2000) GNU-Darwin has always been very strident regarding software freedom and dedicated to concrete progress in this direction while concurrently defending digital liberties in general.

Tags for this site:

biochemistry, open source, radical, aging, darwin, darwin os, free software, gnu-darwin, longevity, installation, parsley, proclus, cancer, darwin mac, download, freedom, life span, molecules

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Authority link Technorati Authority: 143

GNU-Darwin Action feed: Michael L. Love/proclus/GNU-Darwin LiveJournal has seen more action from StumbleUpon than any of the other feeds in the realm. Perhaps the wide layout is favored, which presents better when I add html or cross-post. The ads are unfortunately obtrusive. GNU-Darwin aims to be the most free software distribution. Our mission is two-fold: Focus on projects that leverage our unique combination of Darwin and GNU, and help users to enjoy the benefits of software freedom. (founded November 2000) GNU-Darwin has always been very strident regarding software freedom and dedicated to concrete progress in this direction while concurrently defending digital liberties in general.

Tags for this site:

biochemistry, diets, radical, aging, darwin, darwin os, free software, gnu-darwin, proclus, installation, parsley, life span, cancer, darwin mac, gnu software, freedom, molecules

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Authority link Technorati Authority: 133

GNU-Darwin Action feed: This is an interesting mirror of the GNU-Darwin blackout blog on Multiply GNU-Darwin aims to be the most free software distribution. Our mission is two-fold: Focus on projects that leverage our unique combination of Darwin and GNU, and help users to enjoy the benefits of software freedom. (founded November 2000) GNU-Darwin has always been very strident regarding software freedom and dedicated to concrete progress in this direction while concurrently defending digital liberties in general.

Tags for this site:

biochemistry, open source, radical, aging, darwin, darwin os, free software, gnu-darwin, longevity, installation, parsley, proclus, cancer, darwin mac, gnu software, freedom, life span, molecules

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Authority link Technorati Authority: 542

GNU-Darwin Action root feeder: Get the scoop first here, in a neat layout and clear text on white background. GNU-Darwin aims to be the most free software distribution. Our mission is two-fold: Focus on projects that leverage our unique combination of Darwin and GNU, and help users to enjoy the benefits of software freedom. (founded November 2000) GNU-Darwin has always been very strident regarding software freedom and dedicated to concrete progress in this direction while concurrently defending digital liberties in general.

Top 100 living Top 100 health Top 100 food
Tags for this site:

biochemistry, diets, radical, aging, darwin, darwin os, free software, gnu-darwin, longevity, installation, parsley, proclus, cancer, darwin mac, weight loss, freedom, life span, molecules

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Authority link Technorati Authority: 144

GNU-Darwin Action feed: A popular access point to the Michael L. Love/proclus/GNU-Darwin realm. The white on red layout separates out the posts well, which is especially helpful in the case of the microblog posts. GNU-Darwin aims to be the most free software distribution. Our mission is two-fold: Focus on projects that leverage our unique combination of Darwin and GNU, and help users to enjoy the benefits of software freedom. (founded November 2000) GNU-Darwin has always been very strident regarding software freedom and dedicated to concrete progress in this direction while concurrently defending digital liberties in general.

Tags for this site:

biochemistry, aging, free software, installation, cancer, freedom, open source, darwin, gnu-darwin, parsley, darwin mac, life span, radical, darwin os, longevity, proclus, download, molecules

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Authority link Technorati Authority: 120

Michael L. Love on Vitacost! Probably my most recognizable feature is that I don't own a car, and I bicycle for exercise twice most days.

Tags for this site:

weight loss, autistic, one love, diets, diet food, resveratrol supplement, lose pounds, autisme, green tea supplement, lose fat, cholesterol diet, bioflavonoid, molecules, parsley, gnu linux, free diet, cards, gnu-darwin

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Authority link Technorati Authority: 548

Michael L. Love/proclus/GNU-Darwin realm Action blog: currently wired primarily for micro-blogging, but that is likely to change. GNU-Darwin aims to be the most free software distribution. Our mission is two-fold: Focus on projects that leverage our unique combination of Darwin and GNU, and help users to enjoy the benefits of software freedom. (founded November 2000) GNU-Darwin has always been very strident regarding software freedom and dedicated to concrete progress in this direction while concurrently defending digital liberties in general.

Tags for this site:

cancer, radical, longevity, darwin, biochemistry, gnu-darwin, aging, parsley, life span, open source, installation, darwin mac, freedom, free software, proclus, download, molecules, darwin os

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Authority link Technorati Authority: 436

GNU-Darwin Action Blog: Get the scoop in a neat layout and clear text on white background, with nice separation of the micro-blog status reports. GNU-Darwin aims to be the most free software distribution. Our mission is two-fold: Focus on projects that leverage our unique combination of Darwin and GNU, and help users to enjoy the benefits of software freedom. (founded November 2000) GNU-Darwin has always been very strident regarding software freedom and dedicated to concrete progress in this direction while concurrently defending digital liberties in general.

Tags for this site:

biochemistry, open source, radical, aging, darwin, darwin os, free software, gnu-darwin, longevity, installation, parsley, proclus, cancer, darwin mac, download, freedom, life span, molecules

Site thumbnail
Authority link Technorati Authority: 139

Advogato GNU-Darwin Action feed: This is the oldest proclus diary on the web, with a blog roll, historical diary posts that predate GNU-Darwin and links to related Advogato discussion forums. GNU-Darwin aims to be the most free software distribution. Our mission is two-fold: Focus on projects that leverage our unique combination of Darwin and GNU, and help users to enjoy the benefits of software freedom. (founded November 2000) GNU-Darwin has always been very strident regarding software freedom and dedicated to concrete progress in this direction while concurrently defending digital liberties in general.

Posted via email from proclus-gnu-darwin's posterous

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