Wednesday, February 20, 2013

CISPA is Back


Did you hear that CISPA is back? The misguided, anti-privacy bill -- defeated last year by a huge public outcry -- has been reintroduced in Congress.

The new version of the bill would allow private companies to share our personal data with the government, other companies, and private agencies like the MPAA. Click here to join me in standing up to this assault on internet privacy:

They don't need a warrant, and companies who share your information are given immunity from all pre-existing privacy laws!

No wonder companies like AT&T and Verizon have already signed on in support. Click here to tell congress NO to CISPA:

Supporters of CISPA -- like its sponsor Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger -- have said they can't see any reason why businesses needed to hide your personal data from the government.

They don't get it. Like last time, we need to take a stand against violations of our basic rights to privacy. Please join me in calling on Congress to oppose CISPA:

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