Monday, January 30, 2012

Protect Biodiversity in Our National Forests

We need your help now to secure a future for biodiversity in America's national forests.

Last week, after three previous attempts failed, the U.S. Forest Service released a final draft of its National Forest Management Act regulations, which govern the management of the entire, 193-million acre national forest system.

While it improves on past rules, the new rule comes up short on fish and wildlife protections: A previous requirement that the Forest Service maintain viable populations of fish and wildlife on national forests has been weakened and made discretionary.

Please join us in telling the Forest Service to strengthen the rule to make protecting fish and wildlife a requirement, not just a possibility, in our national forests.

Take action here:

Anonymous And The War Over The Internet

#anonymous #opblackou­t #opmegaupl­oad #antisec #opopd #cabincr3w

I'd be interested in hearing what the community thought of this article.



Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tell Obama to Cease FDA Ties to Monsanto - #gmo #occupymonsanto #monsanto


President Obama has appointed former Monsanto VP and Lobbyist Michael Taylor to become Senior Advisor to the FDA's Commissioner. This unthinkable linkage between food safety and corporate interest which have little regard for public health must be stopped. This example of a "fox watching the hen house" is inexcusable. President Obama must reverse this unimaginably dangerous policy and isolate FDA from corporate influence.

That's why I signed a petition to President Barack Obama.

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tell Congress: Don't roll back defense spending cuts

Dear Friend,

Our nation's military budget is grotesquely bloated.

Just about the only good thing to come out of last year's debt ceiling debacle was that the law Congress passed to raise the debt ceiling has the potential to reduce defense spending by $492 billion over the next ten years.

It would normally be a very heavy lift to get Congress to pass any kind of reductions to defense spending. But the legislation that raised the debt ceiling was designed in the case of a deadlock on the Super Committee to mandate across-the-board cuts starting in 2013, including cuts to defense, that would be unattractive to both Democrats and Republicans alike.

The Super Committee did deadlock. And now that they are faced with the prospect of mandatory reductions in defense spending, we can count on members in both chambers of Congress and in both parties to try to shield the American war machine from any sort of funding reductions.

I just signed a petition telling Congress not to roll back cuts to defense spending. I hope you do, too.

You can find out more about this issue and take action at the link below.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Oh no! Twitter censorship


Oh no! Reuters, CBS, and other outlets are reporting that Twitter is going to start censoring tweets in certain countries:

"Twitter announced Thursday that it would begin restricting Tweets in certain countries, marking a policy shift for the social media platform that helped propel the popular uprisings recently sweeping across the Middle East."

Please click here to sign an open letter and urge Twitter to reverse its decision to start censoring:

And this quote is just tragic, as Twitter tries to rationlize away restrictions on speech:

"As we continue to grow internationally, we will enter countries that have different ideas about the contours of freedom of expression," Twitter wrote in a blog post published Thursday.

>From the Middle East, to Occupy, to SOPA and PIPA, the importance of open platforms like Twitter couldn't be more clear than it is today.

Will you help fight back, by signing an open letter to Twitter and asking them to reverse course? Just click here:


Stop the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline!

Imagine it: Pollution from tanker traffic. An impossible-to-rule-out oil spill. Destruction of pristine habitat for sea otters, killer whales, puffins, seabirds and even iconic spirit bears. That's what's awaiting British Columbia's northern coast and hundreds of species of birds, animals and marine life that thrive in this region if we don't take action right now.

A controversial proposed pipeline would carry oil from the tar sands in Alberta to a port at Kitimat, British Columbia. After travelling nearly 1,170km through pristine wilderness and First Nations homelands, tar sands oil would be loaded on tankers bound for Pacific markets. To get there, they must first navigate the perilous northern B.C. coast, travelling the same wildlife-filled waters where the Queen of the North ferry sank in 2006. Is this pipeline in the public's best interest? If given a go-ahead, the pipeline project would:

- Fragment the boreal forest, home to birds and other wildlife, including Woodland Caribou and Grizzly Bears. - Expose the Great Bear Rainforest, home to wolves and the iconic Spirit Bear, and 30 internationally recognized Important Bird Areas teeming with marine birds, fish and other animals to potential oil spills and pollution from increased tanker traffic.
- Risk irreversible harm to the livelihoods of many coastal and aboriginal communities.

Our country's wildlife is depending on us to speak up on their behalf and put a stop to the Northern Gateway Pipeline project before it's too late. Add your voice and send your letter today!

To take action on this issue, click on the link below: If the text above does not appear as a link or it wraps across multiple lines, then copy and paste it into the address area of your browser.
If you no longer wish to receive email messages sent from your friends on behalf of this organization, please follow the link below:

Monday, January 23, 2012

For sure, Google loves Google+. Michael L. Love - Google+ -

For sure, Google loves Google+. Michael L. Love - Google+ -

Urge Congress to support wind power

Hello! I thought you might be interested in this alert from the Union of Concerned Scientists. Please send a letter today to Congress urging them to protect the production tax credit for wind power. It will show Congress you support investment in renewable energy. If you go to the URL below you can check out the details and send your own message. Then please forward this email to 10 friends. We really need your help to spread the word. To take action on this issue, click on the link below: If the text above does not appear as a link or it wraps across multiple lines, then copy and paste it into the address area of your browser.
If you no longer wish to receive email messages sent from your friends on behalf of this organization, please follow the link below:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

8 core system that did not work with in-house Darwin-8

For your information, this 8 core system would not boot from our
in-house Darwin-8 installer. The most likely reason is the absence of
an IDE bus, so that it might be expected to work with the SATA driver.
Unfortunately, the SATA driver is currently proprietary to my


GNU-Darwin_org will likely be fully back online in a few moments. Hopefully that will be the end of the troubles this season. ;-)

GNU-Darwin_org will likely be fully back online in a few moments. Hopefully that will be the end of the troubles this season. ;-)

GNU-Darwin_org down due to winter power failure. Backups online shortly.

GNU-Darwin_org down due to winter power failure. Backups online shortly.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tell Congress: Only people are people.

Dear Friend,

The Citizens United vs. FEC Supreme Court decision overturned over a century of precedent and opened the floodgates for unlimited amounts of corporate money to flow into our political system.

Shockingly, the court came to this decision based on the notion that a corporation is legally a "person" entitled to First Amendment rights, and by equating a corporation's right to spend unlimited amounts of money influencing an election with our right to free speech.

Tell your senators and member of Congress to support a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and end corporate personhood.

Protect Arctic Ocean from New Oil Drilling

Dear Friend,

I just wrote to the Department of Interior, urging them not to open new
areas of the Arctic Ocean to oil and gas drilling. I hope you'll read
the action alert below from the National Audubon Society and join me in
submitting public comments.

Audubon Action Alert

The ocean waters along Alaska's northern coast provide vital habitat
for extraordinary wildlife, including polar bears, walruses,
ice-dependent seals, endangered bowhead whales, and millions of
migratory birds. The Arctic Ocean can also be phenomenally harsh:
broken ice covers the water for much of the year, storms with
hurricane-force winds can whip up 20-foot seas, and it is entirely dark
for half the year. The federal government recently released a proposed
Five-Year Program (2012-2017) for offshore oil and gas leasing that
could open up pristine new areas in the Arctic Ocean offshore of Alaska
to oil drilling. The oil industry has never successfully demonstrated the ability to
clean up an oil spill in the Arctic Ocean.

Speak up for the birds and wildlife of the Arctic Ocean! Please tell the Department of the
Interior that the Arctic Ocean should remain off-limits to oil and gas

An oil spill in the Arctic Ocean could be disastrous for marine mammals
such as polar bear, Bowhead whale, walrus and seals. It would also harm
birds such as the Spectacled Eider, Steller's Eider, and
Yellow-billed Loon, all three of which are on the Alaska WatchList.

Even without the threat of oil and gas development, the Arctic is
subject to rapid climate warming at a rate that is twice the rest of
the earth. Changes due to warming are already having significant
negative impacts on Arctic people and ecosystems. Additional oil and
gas activities in the Arctic would only add to existing impacts.

Please submit your public comments today. Comments are due February 8:

To take action on this issue, click on the link below: If the text above does not appear as a link or it wraps across multiple lines, then copy and paste it into the address area of your browser.
If you no longer wish to receive email messages sent from your friends on behalf of this organization, please follow the link below:

A victory against internet censorship. But the fight continues.

Dear Friend,

On Wednesday, with the Senate poised to vote on legislation that would end the internet as we know it, hundreds of organizations in a one-day strike and day of action against internet censorship.

The results have been amazing. After the national day of action, 71 members of Congress came out in opposition to this legislation.

But we can't stop fighting yet. Although this legislation has been tabled for now, we need keep pressure on the members of Congress who still support these censorship bills. They need to continue to hear that Americans want them to protect our free and open internet and come out in opposition to these bills.

Tell the remaining co-sponsors of this legislation to protect our free and open internet and drop their support of this censorship legislation.

Friday, January 20, 2012

This might be the best social media activism site in the world. *

This might be the best social media activism site in the world.

help me ban #fracking - #food #health #gas #oil #plants #oilspill #nokxl

Fracking -- the drilling process technically known as hydraulic fracturing where water, chemicals and sand are blasted at high velocity into underground fissures to release natural gas -- has been linked to contaminated drinking water, flammable tap water and even earthquakes. But politicians' interest in tackling this environmental threat is underwhelming at best.

That's because any attempt to question fracking's safety draws the ire of uber-lobbying group the American Petroleum Institute, one of D.C.'s most powerful industry associations and a big donor to political campaigns.

Ignoring the environmental hazards of hydraulic fracturing might be good for profits, but it's bad for the environment and our health. So I just signed this petition calling for a ban on fracking. Can you do the same?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Don't Let Romney Sabotage Afghan Peace Talks

Mitt Romney and some Members of Congress are trying to sabotage the Obama Administration's efforts to start peace talks with the Afghan Taliban in order to end the war in Afghanistan.

Join me in pressing Congress to back peace talks to end the war.


Veto Censorship


Today has been amazing, but there's one thing that could completely stop SOPA and PIPA in their tracks: President Obama has expressed concerns about the bills, but hasn't pledged to veto them.

Please urge President Obama to promise to veto SOPA and PIPA. Just click here:


Tell President Obama: It's time to lead on #climate - #oil #keystonexl #tarsands #nokxl #bigoil #oilspill

Dear Friend,

Six months ago, the Obama Administration was set to approve one of the single most environmentally disastrous fossil fuel projects imaginable.

Today, it's dead.

But President Obama didn't reject the Keystone XL pipeline because he wanted to. Or because he thought it was the right thing to do. Or because he thought it would help his reelection campaign. He rejected it because our activism made him do it.

But because the President rejected the pipeline on the narrow technicality of the Republicans' 60 day timeline, in no way has he set down a clear marker against the pipeline or the carbon bomb that burning Canadian tar sands oil in China represents.

The time to lead us away from dirty fuels and prevent escalating global catastrophes from climate change is here. And President Obama still can.

Tell President Obama: It's time to lead on climate. Make the case in your State of the Union Address. Sign the petition here:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Many thanks to everyone who joined our blackout! - #opblackout #sopa #pipa #sopastrike #occupycongress #j17

Many thanks to everyone who joined our blackout! - opblackout sopa pipa sopastrike occupycongress j17

Take Action with Greenpeace - #SOPA #PIPA #OpBlackout

Dear Friend,

I am taking action today in protest of the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House. These bills would allow corporations and government to control our ability to access information online.

Don't let corporate interests censor the Internet. Please join me in taking action now.


Great new action from Demand Progress, etc. #SOPA #PIPA #OpBlackout

Hope the HTML comes through the email right.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

To continue using sites like GNU-Darwin, please fight SOPA and fight PIPA. is offline today in protest of these proposals.

To continue using sites like GNU-Darwin, please fight SOPA and fight
PIPA. is offline today in protest of these proposals.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Join farmers vs. Monsanto

On January 31, family farmers will take part in the first phase of a court case filed to protect farmers from genetic trespass by Monsanto’s GMO seed, which contaminates organic and non-GMO farmer’s crops and opens them up to abusive lawsuits. In the past two decades, Monsanto’s seed monopoly has grown so powerful that they control the genetics of nearly 90% of five major commodity crops including corn, soybeans, cotton, canola and sugar beets.
In many cases farmers are forced to stop growing certain organic and conventional crops to avoid genetic contamination and potential lawsuits. Between 1997 and 2010, Monsanto admits to filing 144 lawsuits against America’s family farmers, while settling another 700 out of court for undisclosed amounts. Due to these aggressive lawsuits, Monsanto has created an atmosphere of fear in rural America and driven dozens of farmers into bankruptcy.

Farmers need your voice today. Please spread the word.

Thursday, January 12, 2012



Quick request: Wikipedia is considering going dark to protest SOPA and PIPA, the Internet censorship bills.

It'd be huge news, jar rank-and-file Internet users out of complacency, and serve as a turning point in the effort to beat these bills.

Several sites are considering going dark next week -- Reddit's already pledged to do so, but to have the impact it'll take to kill SOPA and PIPA, we need much broader support. A blackout by Wikipedia could be what finally kills these bills.

Will you click here to urge Wikipedia to go on strike to protest censorship?


Bring a Child Soldier Recruiter to Justice!

Dear Friends,

Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are being kidnapped,
tortured and forced to commit horrific crimes as child soldiers – often
against family, friends or other children – or be killed themselves if
they refuse.


Now, take 2 minutes to join me in an online campaign calling for the arrest
of Bosco Ntaganda, who has been charged with recruiting child soldiers. The
International Criminal Court (ICC) issued his arrest warrant almost five
years ago but, so far, DRC officials have refused to take action. We must
call on the President of the DRC to finally turn Ntaganda over to the ICC to
face justice for his war crimes.

Please add your voice now!

Michael L. Love

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

GNU-Darwin: Notice to subscribers: Blackout protest against #SOPA and #PIPA

GNU-Darwin is planning our first full service blackout in solidarity with Reddit on Jan 18th. If you are a current
paid subscriber, and this is a problem for you, please let me know before Saturday. I'd also love to hear from those who think that blackout
action is a good idea. Here are links to the announcement.


GNU-Darwin site blackout to protest #SOPA and #PIPA? - #OpBlackout

I would love to hear whether GNU-Darwinists had any objection to our joining Reddit with a site blackout action on Jan 18th. Of course, objections from existing subscribers will be taken more seriously ;-). I'd also love to hear from blackout supporters, so feel free to let me know how you feel about this possibility.

We have one week until the deadline to decide, but if I don't hear any objections before Saturday, we will proceed with our first total site blackout on January 18, 2012. Email services may or may not be affected. Cheers!


Join me - support the financial transaction tax

I just emailed President Obama and urged him to follow French President Nicolas Sarkozy in calling for a financial transaction tax. Will you join me? Just go here:

Nicknamed “the Robin Hood tax,” a Financial Transaction Tax is endorsed by everyone from conservative European presidents to the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury to Bill Gates and Ralph Nader. (The tax is tiny per transaction and hardly felt by middle-class investors or their pensions -- while raising big bucks from high-volume investors and reducing speculation.)


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Don't let #Monsanto off the hook! #occupymonsanto

#gmo I just took action on an issue that I consider very important. I urge you to take action yourself and spread the word!

To take action on this issue, click on the link below: If the text above does not appear as a link or it wraps across multiple lines, then copy and paste it into the address area of your browser.
If you no longer wish to receive email messages sent from your friends on behalf of this organization, please follow the link below:

Tell President Obama:

The time has come to tell President Barack Obama to keep his promise and reject the Keystone XL pipeline.

At the bidding of deep-pocketed oil and gas interests, congressional Republicans attached a rider to must-pass safety-net legislation that forces the president to make a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline by Feb. 21.

Mr. Obama promised plainly that, if forced to make a rushed decision, he would have no other choice but to reject the pipeline.

The Keystone XL would transport one of the world's dirtiest fossil fuels, tar-sands oil, over 1,700 miles of American heartland. A spill along the route -- which crosses the Missouri, Yellowstone and Platte rivers -- would devastate water supplies, wildlife and public health. Extracting oil from tar sands is already devastating Canada's boreal forest and wetlands that serve as breeding grounds for migratory birds; the world's leading climate scientists warn we cannot burn greenhouse-gas-intensive tar-sands oil and maintain a safe climate.

Tell the Obama government it must keep its promise to put a stop to the Keystone XL project and begin the transition to a clean-energy future.

Take action here:

Monday, January 9, 2012

Save the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard

The dunes sagebrush lizard survives in one of the smallest habitats of any lizard -- a tiny area of oak-covered sand dunes in southeastern New Mexico and west Texas. This habitat covers less than 2 percent of all land in the Permian basin, but is threatened by oil and gas development and herbicides sprayed by ranchers.

Powerful oil and gas interests and right-wing congressmen are crusading to kill the lizard's shot at Endangered Species Act protection, without which it will be lost to extinction. Speak out against this blatant political interference into science and the Endangered Species Act.

In December 2010 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed to protect the lizard, triggering a one-year deadline to finalize protection; but since then, apparently caving to industry pressure, the Service has delayed lifesaving protections by an additional six months.

Please submit comments to the Service in support of protecting the dunes sagebrush lizard as an endangered species now, before it's too late.

Take action here:

Protect Polar Bears, Whales and Sea Turtles From Oil Spills

We need your help to tell President Obama that drilling in our oceans is not the answer to our economic or energy woes.

Displaying a remarkably short memory after the epic Gulf oil spill, the Obama government plans to open vast areas of the ocean to oil drilling. The plan doesn’t adequately protect marine life, and burning dirty fossil fuels only contributes to the climate crisis.

We need to move to safer, more sustainable solutions.

Take action here:

Tell President Obama and Congress: End indefinite detention and close Guantanamo.

Dear Friend,

Osama bid Laden may be dead, but the War on Terror is still being used as an excuse to sacrifice our values and our rights.

On New Year's Eve, President Obama signed a bill into law that gives him and future presidents the power to use the U.S. military to pick up and indefinitely detain civilians accused of supporting terrorism -- including American citizens -- anywhere in the world without charges and without a trial.

This represents a further entrenchment of the Guantanamo mindset that jettisons our most cherished values and our constitutional rights all in the name of national security.

I just signed a petition telling President Obama and Congress to close Guantanamo and end indefinite detention. I hope you sign it, too.

You can find out more information and sign the petition at the link below.

Indefinite detention without charges or trial is fundamentally contrary to the democratic values that our system of government rests upon.

The worst thing we can do in the face of this is remain silent.

Tell the Obama Administration: Don't drill the Arctic!

Dear Friend,

After the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf, president Obama said it was "the most painful and powerful reminder yet that the time to embrace a clean energy future is now."

But since then, President Obama has embraced expanded oil drilling, including in pristine, undrilled areas of the Arctic Ocean.

The Administration just conditionally approved drilling in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas and is now considering a five year plan that includes further sales of Arctic offshore drilling leases.

Expanding drilling in undrilled, delicate Arctic waters is exactly the wrong direction. The Department of the Interior is accepting comments on the plan until Monday -- we need to urge them to reverse this dangerous course in the Arctic.

I just submitted a comment urging the Obama Administration not to include Arctic Drilling in their 5 year plan. Submit a comment now and urge President Obama not to drill the Arctic:

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Google #OpBlackout petition now top at - #SOPA #PIPA #anonymous #stopsopa #leysinde #acta is reporting that our #OpBlackout petition is their new #1!

Here is the text of the petition.

Petition @google to do a day of #OpBlackout to protest #SOPA @eBay
@amazon @Yahoo @facebook @twitter PLZ RT!

When you click the link, you can sign by tweeting from the
site. It's really very easy.

Many thanks to everyone who helped this to happen, and expecially to
TheYoungTurks for getting this petition started.

Some of us are more vociferous, and others are more engaged. Be
vociferous by signing the petition. If you have not yet signed, now
is the time to sign and encourage companies like Google to be more
engaged in the fight against laws like SOPA.

Being vociferous and engaged means telling your friends and family
about SOPA and how to fight it, and then fighting it yourself. Set
the right example by clearing a path for others to follow in. If you
want to be more engaged in the fight, one way is to join #OpBlackout.
#OpBlackout has engaged SOPA, and you can too! Here is a link with
some instructions for engaging SOPA.

We live in times when money and power determines what is legal, and
what is not. For the most part, the court has been siding with money
and power over the public good. For our own good, we ourselves must
fight against bad legislation, and bad laws. SOPA is surely one of


Google #OpBlackout petition now top at - #SOPA #PIPA #anonymous #stopsopa #leysinde #acta (( tag: SOPA, PIPA, anonymous, stopsopa, leysinde, acta, opblackout )) is reporting that our #OpBlackout petition is their new #1!

Here is the text of the petition.

Petition @google to do a day of #OpBlackout to protest #SOPA @eBay
@amazon @Yahoo @facebook @twitter PLZ RT!

When you click the link, you can sign by tweeting from the
site. It's really very easy.

Many thanks to everyone who helped this to happen, and expecially to
TheYoungTurks for getting this petition started.

Some of us are more vociferous, and others are more engaged. Be
vociferous by signing the petition. If you have not yet signed, now
is the time to sign and encourage companies like Google to be more
engaged in the fight against laws like SOPA.

Being vociferous and engaged means telling your friends and family
about SOPA and how to fight it, and then fighting it yourself. Set
the right example by clearing a path for others to follow in. If you
want to be more engaged in the fight, one way is to join #OpBlackout.
#OpBlackout has engaged SOPA, and you can too! Here is a link with
some instructions for engaging SOPA.

We live in times when money and power determines what is legal, and
what is not. For the most part, the court has been siding with money
and power over the public good. For our own good, we ourselves must
fight against bad legislation, and bad laws. SOPA is surely one of


Do you have good friends who are not on Twitter? Email them and ask them to join FoWL: Friends of WikiLeaks!

Do you have good friends who are not on Twitter? Email them and ask them to join FoWL: Friends of WikiLeaks!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Get us off the pesticide treadmill

Superweeds and superbugs are emerging all over the country. Farmers across the Midwest and South are losing their fields to pesticide-resistant superweeds so formidable and fast-spreading that they break farm machinery.

Instead of abandoning a losing strategy, Dow aims to get us all running faster on the same broken pesticide treadmill by seeking approval for its 2,4-D resistant seed lines. Sign this petition to block their release into the marketplace and head the pesticide industry off at the pass. >>

Cut Pentagon Spending Now

Sign our petition now to the House and Senate members of the Defense Appropriations committees, asking them to vote for Obama's proposed cuts AND make deeper cuts too.

We will deliver the petitions in person to members' offices next month. Now is the critical time, as they're writing the defense budget bills that will be voted on this summer, even as they are getting wined and dined by lobbyists for the huge military contractors. These members are the critical targets, because their committees will be deciding what the 2013 defense budget looks like. They need to hear from you, and they need to know that we are all watching closely what happens next.

Please sign the petition now to cut Pentagon spending.

Join me - support the end of corporate personhood

I just emailed my federal and state legislators to urge them to support an end to corporate personhood. Will you join me? Just go here:

There’s good news: Last week, Montana's Supreme Court upheld a ban on corporate election spending. Los Angeles and New York have just joined the list of cities urging the rest of the country to join Montana. And several bills have been introduced in Congress to amend the Constitution.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tell Google: Quit the Chamber of Commerce

Dear Friend,

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is at the forefront of efforts to pass the Internet Censorship Act, which fundamentally threatens the internet as we know it.

If the bill passes, corporate copyright holders would be able to demand the government shut down a website based on nothing more than an allegation that the website contains copyrighted material. And the government could do this even without a court order.

The free speech implications of this kind of extra-judicial government censorship of the internet is chilling. It's nothing short of an outright attack on our free internet.

Google, which is strongly opposed to the Internet Censorship Act and has an unofficial motto of "Don't be evil," is a member of the Chamber of Commerce. But the Chamber's all-out support of this incredibly dangerous legislation has reportedly caused Google to consider quitting the rightwing organization in protest.

I told Google to quit the Chamber of Commerce, and I hope you will too. You can learn more and sign the petition at the link below.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Building #Occupy support 4 #OpBlackout action, faved&blogged. More likely coming. - #OWS #OSLC #TeaParty #NDAA #SOPA #PIPA #OPDX #J3 #nycga

OccupyOregon OpBlackout march Jan 3 at Director Park, SW Yamhill & Park Ave in pdx - 6pm. fb event: NDAA SOPA PIPA OPDX
17 minutes ago
jopauca ACTION TOMORROW against the NDAA signed by Obama. Join us. OpBlackout
about 3 hours ago
Occupy Salt Lake
OccupySaltLake J3 URGENT ANONYMOUS TRANSMISSION : OpBlackout Engaged - Day Of Action 1-3-12 OWS OSLC TeaParty

The detention provisions of the #NDAA would be best applied to the people who enacted them. - #OpBlackout

If you are tempted to say NDAA makes you feel belligerant, just think of the people who enacted it. Now THAT'S BELLIGERANT! No surprise people think it OK to defend indefinite detention since Obama signed NDAA. They don't think too far ahead. ;-)