Tuesday, November 2, 2010

GP.org: Today's the Day - Vote Green!

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Green Party


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Today is the Day - Get Out and Vote Green!

Today's message is short and simple - don't forget to vote today, and make sure to vote Green! Hundreds of Green Party candidates have been campaigning for months to make a impact today. They can't do it without you! 

If you haven't voted already, don't forget to get to the polls today and vote for as many Green Party candidates as possible. If you did vote today, remember to remind your family and friends to vote Green as well.  

If you don't see any Green candidates on your ballot, it's never too early to help build the party in your area and recruit candidates for the next election. Maybe the next Green Party candidate you can vote for will be you...?

We are always working to build the Green Party on the local, state, and national level. With your support, there will be more and better Green Party candidates on ballots across the country next time. Can you make a contribution today?

Green Party candidates everywhere thank you for your support so far in helping them spread the word about their 2010 campaigns.  The last part of the effort is easy - get out and Vote Green!

Support the Green Party!

Donate today. A Greener future is within our reach. Your donation today can help us bring the vision we share a little closer to reality.

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You can sustain the Green Party by making a recurring donation on a monthly basis. Donate here.

Thank you!

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