Tuesday, November 16, 2010

GNU-Darwin Action: USTR releases finalized ACTA text: Concerns remain - #drm #law #dmca #coica #music #freedom

As usual, we expect major problems with the ACTA treaty. Here is some info from Public Knowledge about the current text. I am also posting a link to the notes I published regarding last month's ACTA revision to the twitter. Here is the link for your convenience. More on this later.

proclus: #ACTA notes - #drm #law #dmca #coica #music #freedom #downloads #internet #software #technology http://xi.nu/gd369



Today the United States Trade Representative (USTR) released the finalized text of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), claiming to smooth out disagreements among the negotiating parties. However, our concerns with respect to some provisions remain. I had outlined these concerns in my previous post. Here are the changes in the new text.

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