Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Help Halt Wolf Extermination Attempt in Congress

The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have included a rider in the must-pass budget bill that would permanently end all federal protections for wolves throughout Montana, Idaho and parts of Utah, Oregon and Washington.

Not only would this move leave approximately 1,400 wolves in Montana and Idaho vulnerable to slaughter by public hunting and trapping, but it would also expose them to greatly increased aerial gunning by federal trappers. The three wolf packs roaming Oregon and Washington will be similarly persecuted.

If it passes, this new law would also prevent re-listing northern Rockies wolves as "endangered" -- even if their numbers plummet toward zero.

Please contact your U.S. senators today to tell them to sponsor or vote for an amendment to the Continuing Resolution budget bill stripping it of Section 1713, the wolf extermination provision.

Visit http://action.biologicaldiversity.org/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=6099 to take action now.

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