Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Privacy nightmare


Let's cut to the chase. Here's the ACLU's take on John McCain's new cybersecurity bill:

"This is a privacy nightmare that will eventually result in the military substantially monitoring the domestic, civilian Internet."

Will you fight back against McCain's legislation by emailing your lawmakers? Just click here:

There's a power struggle brewing over cybersecurity, with two Senate factions butting heads. One group is backing a bill that is - surprisingly - not horrendous in its privacy implications. (You can take partial credit for this, as that bill was written with every desire to avoid awakening the powerful coalition that killed SOPA a few weeks ago.)

But McCain's side wants to enable the military to snoop on civilian Internet users: As Reuters notes, the "types of information that could be shared are broad, and the data would go to 'cybersecurity centers' that specifically include the National Security Agency's Threat Operations Center and the U.S. Cyber Command Joint Operations Center."

We have a key opportunity to help steer this debate away from McCain's inanity and towards a more reasonable alternative. Please click here to email your lawmakers:


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